It is the continuation of devuanpup chimaera .
Thanks to the developers of Woof-ce ..
OS developers josejp2424 @nilsonmorales.
Packages Devuan Deadalus.
kernel 6.1.27
midori web browser
internet connection= sns, connman-gtk, frisbee ( Frisbee .@rerwin ).
Celuloide, video player
DeaDbeef, audio player
nicOS-Utility-Suite @amethyst
PackIt @JakeSFR
UExtract @JakeSFR
PupMates @radky
and many other programs.
all iso's already have devx included.
Hay varios escritorios disponibles. jwm openbox mate , LXDE y xfce.
The base iso has jwm, Openbox with tint2 and jbmenu, plus bspwm desktop with polybar.
The most complete iso is the XFCE Fusilli - ( fusilli is a fork of compiz.), making it very attractive.
xfce fusilli.
Devuanpup Openbox -jwm- bspwm .
Openbox jbmenu and tint2
Bspwm and polybar
DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta_4.iso .
DevuanPup_10.0_Mate_beta.iso .
DevuanPup_10.0_LXDE_beta_05.iso .