Thanks, rerwin & dmkir.
The issue is common to all NoblePup64s. Currently, I have peebee's upup64n-24.09-241004, ... .09-241004 on my boot-menu. Not currently running it and have to 'break for breakfast'. Later today I'll try implementing your suggestions and will report back.
Update: rerwin's suggestion worked. See my post here, viewtopic.php?p=133705#p133705.
I'll now try my hand at compiling the netmon_wce-3.3, dimkr linked to. Will, of course, double-check that I didn't miss an offering of an already built pet. But that raises another issue. I'll have to load the devx. An SFS-Load-on-the-fly was developed by (IIRC peebee) for Bookworm64. As noted above, I'm currently running peebee's upup64n-24.09-241004 where SFS-load requires a reboot. Is this necessary for all Noblepup64s? Something for someone who knows what he/she is doing to address?
Update 10/21: As I've never compiled, I figured I wouldn't know what went wrong if I did. It occurred to me that as F96-CE had a netmon_wce that functioned its version might work under NoblePup64. So I ''flinched" the files pfind revealed and packaged them as a pet. It works, sort of. Interesting results. 
The Taskbar icon does not enable switching between wifi-managers. But I've added Internet Connection Wizard to a Launcher on a panel to do that; so I can switch between conman and netwizard (or SNS or frisbee). If I use the panel's net-connect launcher to switch into using conman, its icon appears on the Taskbar. If I use the panel's net-connect launcher to switch into network wizard, it's icon appears on the Taskbar and I can use that to re-establish the best connection.
[The problem Fios's new system has created for me is that network-wizard correctly shows 4 signals I can use: two directly from the router and two from an Extender. But all have the same name and (thankfully) the same password: from the router a 2G and a 5G signal, which the Extender picks-up, enhances and transmits. 5G carries the most information p/s, but wood and actual plaster walls render them the least likely to get thru to my adapter. Unfortunately, when a signal is lost, the system picks up a 5G signal].
At any rate, for anyone who wants it --no guarranties-- attached is a netmon_wce pet.