@Governor :-
Um; o-kayyy...
Would I be correct in thinking this is related to your previous thread about ROX's - in your opinion! - "faulty" delete mechanism?
I don't believe such a function exists, even in the repos. Do bear in mind that the repos that each Puppy uses are really those of the parent distro from which that Puppy has been "Woofed".....and that the mechanisms of its parent don't always function the same as those of the Puppy.
In other words, IF such a function existed, it would be designed to function with Nautilus, or PCManFM, or Dolphin, or Thunar.....FMs that are a standard component of the various available full DEs (desktop environment packages) commonly employed by most mainstream distros.
You have to understand, ROX is very definitely "quirky", and does things in its own inimitable way. You frequently cannot apply the usual operations of a standard FM to ROX, and it will take some getting used to.....but many people, once they've got used to it, won't look at another FM.....or if they do, will find other FMs extremely clunky in comparison.
I do, however, see your point.....and by definition, attracting new users eventually devolves down to "same old, same old". In other words, you HAVE to make operation of your distro behave exactly the same as everybody else.......because learning new ways of doing things is too much like hard work for most people.
And there lies "the rub". We don't WANT Puppy to be a carbon copy of every other distro out there. In so doing, there goes much of its uniqueness.....and what's to attract new users when any other distro behaves exactly the same?
In every Puppy built, you SHOULD have an icon on the desktop labelled "trash". This is a self-contained 'portable' application - better known as a "ROX-app" - written in the early days of Puppy - many years ago - to replicate the functionality of the "Recycle Bin" in Windows, with which most Puppy noobs were (and still are) familiar.
Because ROX is basically "drag'n'drop", this is how the "trash" application works. Anything you want to get rid of (but aren't totally convinced you might NOT need again), simply drag it across and "drop" it in the "trash". When there's stuff in the trash, the appearance of the icon will change to reflect this. Left-click shows the contents; a right-click on any item will expose various functions that can be applied; you can restore, or permanently delete, and several other options are also present.
I believe it's possible to add this drag'n'drop 'Delete/Recycle' function into the ROX right-click menu. Where the instructions are, I don't know. I have seen them, years ago, so they're probably buried away in the depths of the old Forum somewhere. Others may be better able to locate them than I.