Developing on a NoblePup32 System

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Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rottenMILKweiler84 »

Hello All,

Hope everyone is having a great week up to this point!


Just wanted to follow up on a thread I posted a week or so back at this point.

I was able to get a dual puppy set-up going of XenialPup & NoblePup32.

I would like to learn to compile programs on the NoblePup32 system, as I understand NoblePup32 is largely based off of the Ubuntu distribution, and I hope that developing on NoblePup32, would allow me to distribute an app to computers running Ubuntu.

I played around a bit with Geany last night, but I wasn't able to compile any C code successfully.

The make tool in Geany said that my compilation was successful, but it didn't seem to add a .exe to the directory of the source code (and I'm not sure this is the expected behavior of the make tool or gcc).

Just wondering if anyone has any standard set-up on how to achieve compiled executables (or the puppy Linux equivalent) from a NoblePup32 system.

Thank you for all the help and the inclusivity of this community,

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by puppy_apprentice »

I always compile from console.
Try F5 in Geany to run compiled program.
BTW. Linux exes dosen't need .exe extension.

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rockedge »


check in the directory the compile build was done to find the output binary. Make sure the permissions for it are executable and click on the binary in a Rox file manager window to run it.

Or to see better output open a terminal from that directory and run the binary from the command line:

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by user1234 »

BTW @rottenMILKweiler84, what are you trying to compile? Is it a program that you found its source online, or is it a simple C code?

For the first case, you can try looking for the instructions from the program's website you want to compile; or you can contact puppy forum if additional help is required.

For the second case, the above posts already have an answer.

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rottenMILKweiler84 »


I appreciate everyone's input.

I downloaded the dev squashsfs and they gave me to the build & compile tools native to Geany (gcc & make).

Gcc to make an object file, and then make to compile the object into an executable file.

Yes, this was just to compile some simple C code.

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by mikeslr »

"I would like to learn to compile programs on the NoblePup32 system, as I understand NoblePup32 is largely based off of the Ubuntu distribution." Emphasis supplied.

I don't compile so may be off-base. But I'm pretty good at remembering systems, how they work and their limitations. So before you get 'deep into the weeds' double check the following:

To create NoblePup32 peebee (may have) had to include debian 32-bit binaries because Ubuntu no longer publishes for 32-bit operating systems. If so, you may be better off using peebee's Bookwormpup32, ... 68#p105568 or dimkr's VanillaDpup32, for your project.

Ubuntu builds against debian. As a 'Rule of Thumb', applications created under debian can run under Ubuntu; but not necessarily vice-versa.

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rottenMILKweiler84 »

mikeslr wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:08 pm

"I would like to learn to compile programs on the NoblePup32 system, as I understand NoblePup32 is largely based off of the Ubuntu distribution." Emphasis supplied.

I don't compile so may be off-base. But I'm pretty good at remembering systems, how they work and their limitations. So before you get 'deep into the weeds' double check the following:

To create NoblePup32 peebee (may have) had to include debian 32-bit binaries because Ubuntu no longer publishes for 32-bit operating systems. If so, you may be better off using peebee's Bookwormpup32, ... 68#p105568 or dimkr's VanillaDpup32, for your project.

Ubuntu builds against debian. As a 'Rule of Thumb', applications created under debian can run under Ubuntu; but not necessarily vice-versa.


Hey Mike,
This is a great consideration.

It makes total sense that you can focus on building from a debian environment, and that an application there should work in an Ubuntu environment.

I believe NoblePup32 also has debian as part of its core. Or at least, I'm able to pull from a Debian repository. So, since the packages from the Debian repository are working, this would suggest NoblePup32 is also largely debian-based.

The standard desktop wallpaper of NoblePup32 also says 'NobleNumbat + Bookworkm', implying that it is based off of BookwormPup.

Finally, this is a bit of a different discussion.... but, I'm also in the PuppyLinux Facebook forum, and a user there suggested utilizing 'Xmessage' command-line-utility to build the graphical user interface of my applications, and from what I understand that is entirely based off of 'X' desktop environment. So, I believe for the app to work correctly the target-OS, would have to have 'X' (if I were to take this approach to GUI development).

Regardless, thanks again for your help Mike, and I hope you have a restful weekend,

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by wizard »


xmessage is useful if you just want to display a simple message boox or if user input can be done with a button click. For something more powerful, take a look at YAD.


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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rottenMILKweiler84 »

wizard wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:25 pm


xmessage is useful if you just want to display a simple message boox or if user input can be done with a button click. For something more powerful, take a look at YAD.



Hey wizard,

Thank you for your recommendation and my apologies for my delay in taking it up.

Hope your holiday & new year's season has been very relaxing.

Below is a video of me demonstrating an example YAD script I utilized this morning:

Further, below this line is the behind the scenes of the YAD script I demonstrated in the video above:

Hope you have an awesome year and you get to use Puppy frequently,

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rottenMILKweiler84 »

wizard wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:25 pm


xmessage is useful if you just want to display a simple message boox or if user input can be done with a button click. For something more powerful, take a look at YAD.


It was also fun to find out that my lenovo thinkpad with an i5 processor running endeavorOS (different flavor of ArchLinux) ran the YAD commands the exact same way!

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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by wizard »


t was also fun to find out that my lenovo thinkpad with an i5 processor running endeavorOS (different flavor of ArchLinux) ran the YAD commands the exact same way!

Yes, the combination of Bash scripting and YAD should run in any Linux and can be quite powerful. You can get Puppy specific help here in the Programming section of the forum and will find lots of help/examples for YAD on the web.


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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by rottenMILKweiler84 »

wizard wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:41 pm


t was also fun to find out that my lenovo thinkpad with an i5 processor running endeavorOS (different flavor of ArchLinux) ran the YAD commands the exact same way!

Yes, the combination of Bash scripting and YAD should run in any Linux and can be quite powerful. You can get Puppy specific help here in the Programming section of the forum and will find lots of help/examples for YAD on the web.


Hi wizard,

I know you mentioned there's lots of examples on the webs, but do you have any forums or anything you utilize when you run into issues with YAD?

I saw an example of creating a notification in YAD, and then having a bash function being ran upon this notification's "On-Click" event.

This was on my newer EndeavorOS laptop, running YAD 14. The error mentions that the functionality is unique to X11. So, I tried running yad with an argument placed before the "yad" command, that tells it to run with the X11 backend. This just results in a black console screen.

Here is the internet information that pushed me to try that: ... -716888480

Just any suggestions on where to go for troubleshooting issues with YAD as a whole would be appreciated.

I hope you are having a great week, wizard.


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Re: Developing on a NoblePup32 System

Post by wizard »


Look here for a basic tutorial:

There's lots of examples and tutorials on the web. If you search this forum on "yad" and my name you'll find some example things too.

Also, you can post questions and code examples in the "Programming" section here on the forum. Lots of better coders than me can help you.


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