HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

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HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by mrs-b »

:shock: So, I have a few questions. (And yes, I know I'm the person everyone makes fun of for thinking they can just dive into Linux without knowing anything. I know. T^T)
1. Am I able to download PuppyOS (or any distro) onto the hard drive/main files to not necessitate a flash drive (& not be limited to ≤2 GB)?
2. Can this be done from the UEFI shell, and if not, please explain how?
3. Is there a difference between flashing a USB drive and a 'clean install'? (reddit comment, don't fully understand)
4. If none of the above, any clue how to fix mouse/keyboard issue?
Or suggestions on how I should proceed from here in the core boot. Would really appreciate any advice/direction here.

I logged onto my '20 HP Chromebook (AUE/EOL) one day & it was officially broken, couldn't even load basic sites.
Really needed to use my PC & recently read about Linux. Found MrChromeBox and decided to utilize.
However, I only had a 2GB flash drive available at the time- so I went forward without a ChromeOS backup. (And I had no plans of going back to Chrome since now officially broken.)
PuppyOS was the most simple and small package I found to download that would fit.
Installed that on my USB drive and marched ahead.
However, I soon realized the downsides: extremely slow startup time, non working keyboard/mouse (works w/external setups), very basic OS.
Could make this work, but either need to find an actual solution without the flash drive. Or at least fix the mouse/keyboard conundrum.
Thanks again in advance.

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Re: HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by bigpup »

:welcome: To Puppy Linux!

This topic is all about using Puppy Linux on a ChromeBook:
But please do not post in it unless it is some useful information on how to do something.
Trying to keep topic about how to do things.

As to what Puppy version to use to give you good hardware support.

Myself and others, have been able to get a good working, out of the box, Puppy Linux on ChromeBooks, by using this version.

BookwormPup64 10.0.7

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Re: HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by bigpup »

Asking multiple questions or issues on a topic, will get turned into a mess, trying to help with each one.
Very hard to follow and know what post is talking about what.

You need to make a topic about one question or issue.

when that gets solved.

Make a new topic for some other question or issue.

No limit on number of topics you can make.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by wiak »

Yes first post maybe a wee bit too much to conveniently digest, but understandably so since complex to do.

I also suggest post be moved under Projects ... Hardware since similar already there, albeit no answers per se. Worth looking at:

https://github.com/hexdump0815/linux-ma ... /readme.md


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Re: HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by mikewalsh »

Agreed. Moving to "Puppy Projects : Hardware". Will leave a 'shadow' topic in place until the OP knows where it is...

@mrs-b :- :welcome: to the "kennels".

I agree with m'colleagues. The bane of ANY community forums are invariably new members who, not understanding forum "etiquette", nearly always try to cram multiple questions into their first post.

It's understandable. We've ALL been there. Fortunately, existing members are usually happy to set new members on the right road.... :)

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Re: HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by wizard »



1. Am I able to download PuppyOS (or any distro) onto the hard drive/main files to not necessitate a flash drive (& not be limited to ≤2 GB)?
2. Can this be done from the UEFI shell, and if not, please explain how?
3. Is there a difference between flashing a USB drive and a 'clean install'? (reddit comment, don't fully understand)
4. If none of the above, any clue how to fix mouse/keyboard issue?

1. You can install Puppy to the Chromebook internal drive if you did a mrchromebox UEFI Full ROM Firmware replacement
2. NO
3. YES
4. You need to start by telling us:
- the make and model of your Chromebook?
-did you do a mrchromebox RW-Legacy or UEFI Full firmware replacement?
-the full name of the Puppy Linux ISO file you downloaded?


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Re: HP Chromebook to Linux Questions

Post by don570 »

It's safer to boot up a chromebook with Puppy linux on a USB stick than to try to install it .

When I converted my Dell chromebook to Fatdog linux I discovered that mrchromebox has
a boot loader that can search the USB stick for the configuration file needed for UEFI booting.
So booting was quick and easy.

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