icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Dunfell 2.9.0
BarryK has released EasyOS Dunfell-series 2.9.0 on Sep 3, 2021
more information, annoucement notes and download addresses:
https://bkhome.org/news/202109/easyos-v ... eased.html
I have created 4 half-Chinese language pets each for easydunfell 2.9.0:
fcitx Chinese input platform:
fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-21.1.5.pet (14 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform:
ibus64_1.5.19-en-zh-bionic-21.1.5.pet (31 mb)
scim Chinese input platform:
scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-21.1.5.pet (11 mb)
yong Chinese input platform:
yong3264_20201122-en-zh-bionic-21.1.5.pet (8 mb)
Please note that only yong Chinese input platform can input Chinese in Libreoffice 7 and seamonkey browser that comes with easyos dunfell 2.9.0. If you want to run a browser with fcitx, ibus or scim, please try light and palemoon (28.4.0).
Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for easydunfell 2.9.0:
Simplified Chinese:
easydunfell-2.9.0-zhcn-21.1.5.pet (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese:
easydunfell-2.9.0-zhhk-21.1.5.pet (4 mb)
To use:
(a) any 1 of the 4 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in easydunfell 2.9.0
(b) the 2 name corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for easydunfell 2.9.0. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).
more information about the fcitx, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject
All these half-Chinese and Chinese language pets are now available for download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first posting for download addresses.