Editing conky in fossapup has no effect (Solved)

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Editing conky in fossapup has no effect (Solved)

Post by WoodLark »

Editing conkrc appears to have no effect.

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Re: conky in fossapup

Post by TerryH »

Changes to the conkyrc in my installation work OK.
What is the command that is being used to start conky? The default is that it is started from a script in /root/startup/conkystart. This script contains:

Code: Select all

conky -c /root/conkyrc   &        ###  The -c is to identify which config is to be used 

If your installation is using this script then editing the file /root/conkyrc should change the display.

If you are just issuing a command:

Code: Select all


Then Conky will run using the default basicconfig /etc/conky/conky.config

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Re: conky in fossapup

Post by WoodLark »

You are correct. I thought conky had started automatically at startup, but somewhere along the line, I must have restarted it manually without realizing it. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways!

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Re: conky in fossapup

Post by TerryH »

Just some additional information that may assist. Jwmdesk has a conky settings control, you can start/stop and also edit the config file.

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pwidgets on fossapup

Post by mikeslr »

Before WoodLark started this thread, I was also not satisfied with conky's default implementation on fossapup. So I spend over an hour exercising my Left-Brain reading documentation and analyzing how conky was deployed and configured. This gave me a head-ache. But also the time for my Right-Brain to kick-in with its gestalt appreciation of how a thing relates to the rest of the world. Springing fully clothed and armored like Athena was the thought "I wonder if pwidgets --which does pretty much what I want-- would function under fossapup without breaking much?"

So after backing up my SaveFile, I installed zigbert's pwidget-64, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 4e6#249211. Other than most likely breaking the built-in conky, pwidgets does not appear to have spoiled anything else.

I think the last time zigbert worked-on/examined pwidgets was 2016. Not al the 34 widgets built into it still function. But the widgets I wanted do. See attached. Edited Attachment.

AlternateClock-Closeups.png (407.5 KiB) Viewed 702 times

Wish someone would consider building an updated version of pwidgets. :idea:

p.s. I previously posted that xonclock (analog) didn't work. I does. Not sure why I thought it didn't. Under my Bionicpup64 xonclock didn't work until I created a symbolic link to its libtiff having the name xonclock required. The Attached graphic displays the alternatives of using either one of the 231+ analog clock faces available, or a digital clock.

Last edited by mikeslr on Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Editing conky in fossapup has no effect (Solved)

Post by WoodLark »

Thank you to whoever added solved to the title. I should have done that.

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