Editing conkrc appears to have no effect.
Editing conky in fossapup has no effect (Solved)
Moderators: 666philb, Forum moderators
Re: conky in fossapup
Changes to the conkyrc in my installation work OK.
What is the command that is being used to start conky? The default is that it is started from a script in /root/startup/conkystart. This script contains:
Code: Select all
conky -c /root/conkyrc & ### The -c is to identify which config is to be used
If your installation is using this script then editing the file /root/conkyrc should change the display.
If you are just issuing a command:
Code: Select all
Then Conky will run using the default basicconfig /etc/conky/conky.config
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Re: conky in fossapup
You are correct. I thought conky had started automatically at startup, but somewhere along the line, I must have restarted it manually without realizing it. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways!
Re: conky in fossapup
Just some additional information that may assist. Jwmdesk has a conky settings control, you can start/stop and also edit the config file.
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pwidgets on fossapup
Before WoodLark started this thread, I was also not satisfied with conky's default implementation on fossapup. So I spend over an hour exercising my Left-Brain reading documentation and analyzing how conky was deployed and configured. This gave me a head-ache. But also the time for my Right-Brain to kick-in with its gestalt appreciation of how a thing relates to the rest of the world. Springing fully clothed and armored like Athena was the thought "I wonder if pwidgets --which does pretty much what I want-- would function under fossapup without breaking much?"
So after backing up my SaveFile, I installed zigbert's pwidget-64, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 4e6#249211. Other than most likely breaking the built-in conky, pwidgets does not appear to have spoiled anything else.
I think the last time zigbert worked-on/examined pwidgets was 2016. Not al the 34 widgets built into it still function. But the widgets I wanted do. See attached. Edited Attachment.
Wish someone would consider building an updated version of pwidgets.
p.s. I previously posted that xonclock (analog) didn't work. I does. Not sure why I thought it didn't. Under my Bionicpup64 xonclock didn't work until I created a symbolic link to its libtiff having the name xonclock required. The Attached graphic displays the alternatives of using either one of the 231+ analog clock faces available, or a digital clock.