dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

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dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by mikeslr »

Somehow the link to the dpup-stretch has gotten lost. Dpup-Stretch's ISO and associated files can be found here, http://www.smokey01.com/radky/Woof/.

It was often recommended for computers as, with the proper setup, it could boot with as little as 68 Mbs of RAM, viewtopic.php?p=1320#p1320 while having OOTB the 'infra-structure' needed to run current Web-browsers.

Edit: Ah, I found the previous post viewtopic.php?p=256#p256 which provides a link to the ISO on archive.org.

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by peebee »

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by gosh »

Hello all.
I am new to puppylinux.
So far so good with one exception.
I use external WiFi card and need ndiswrapper to load the driver.but each time i try to do that i get this massage.
May be someone had the same problem and solved it.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by bigpup »

What exactly are you doing when using ndiswrapper?

steps you are doing?

You do what?
You see what?

May not be doing it correctly.

What exactly is the WIFI card?
Make and model?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by OscarTalks »

I don't think ndiswrapper is included in Dpup Stretch and also I believe I saw reports that ndiswrapper does not work with 4.19.x kernels but I may have got that wrong and would need to confirm. It may be that even if it compiles it does not run properly and I don't think I even have a suitable test wi-fi card any more. Compiling ndiswrapper is relatively easy and would normally be one solution.

There is the alternative version of Dpup Stretch with the older 4.1.48 kernel and I compiled ndiswrapper for that, but it is no good if you are using the 4.19 kernel (or any other). So switching to the older kernel might be one way forward if your hardware is still happy. A better way forward might be to look for an alternative wi-fi card which will work with a linux driver, since connections via ndiswrapper are not as reliable in my experience and should only be used as a last resort.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by gosh »

Hello again.
Sorry for being late,didn't expect so fast someone to answer.
My external WiFi card is AirLive WN-370USB and has Linux driver, supports up to Linux kernel 2.6.37.
My steps are the same;
Network wizard
load module
use ndiswrapper
then load driver
and then the same massage.
I checked Saluki and it worked well with no problem.
the alternative version of Dpup Stretch with the older 4.1.48 kernel ,
works well on my old laptop so if you can send me your compiled ndiswrapper
I'll try it or other way i'll look for another card.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by OscarTalks »

I have compiled ndiswrapper 1.63 in the kernel 4.19.56 version
You may wish to test that first. I would be interested to know if it works.
I will also attach the ndiswrapper 1.62 for kernel 4.1.48
You may need to reboot after installation. Hopefully then the network wizard takes care of loading everything.
EDIT:- NOTE the 4.19.56 version probably does not work! See posts above and below. I will leave it there for now for reference purposes.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by gosh »

Hello again.
Thank you for that pet.
The ndiswrapper 1.62 for kernel 4.1.48 works well,but the newer version didn't.
After installation it couldn't find the device.
That is the massage.
Anyway I'll use the older kernel version until i find another card.
Thanks a lot for your help.
In case you want me to test something I'll do it.
Thanks again.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by J_D_ »

Thanks for the links. Taking Buster for a walk right now. :thumbup2:
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by greengeek »

Is there a 64bit version of Dpup Stretch?
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by mikeslr »

greengeek wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:46 am Is there a 64bit version of Dpup Stretch?
Hi greengeek,

I didn't think so. But I checked and couldn't find a 64-bit dpup-stretch by either radky or jose2424. Is there any reason for a "stretch" rather than one of the many flavors of jose2424's 64-bit DpupBuster, viewtopic.php?p=2208#p2208?

p.s. You might also want to consider StretchDog 64 bit, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 485#970485
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by greengeek »

Thanks Mike - i really just wanted to see if i could find the puppy that Sky Aisling mentioned here. I wondered if the Deadbeef 1.8.3 she referred to was the default in that puppy, but maybe the 64bit version of dpup-stretch does not actually exist.
I am enjoying the 32 bit dpup-stretch although i seem to have a weird problem where every so often clicking the items in the context menu just gets ignored. For example if i hover over a file, rightclick and select rename, nothing happens - i have to go through the process a second time to get the rename dialog to show up. Same with delete etc. Randomly no progress.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by mikewalsh »

I'm pretty sure you'll find that's a typo, Ian.

Like t'other Mike, I've never come across a 64-bit release of DPup 'Stretch'. AFAIK, radky's Pups have always been 32-bit only..... Unless somebody else would like to prove me wrong? I may have overlooked it. It can happen.

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by TIFTAF »

Hi everybody.

First my big thank you for this incredible DPup creation. I am willing to give you 11 out of 10 point. I would have given you a better rating if it would not have been for a tiny problem that came up unexpectedly.

The download went straight without any problems, so did the burning to a CD. The same can be said for booting the CD to the desktop.
Just before the desktop became visible a window popped up asking whether all was fine and I agreed with OK.

The desktop was nice, clear and bright as expected.
I installed DPup to my Scandisc 60 MB USB3 Stick and made a safe-file at shutdown.

No troubles so far.

After taking out the boot- CD and starting from Memory-stick the desktop came up dark. Not dark dark. Just so dark that is was difficult to differentiate between Icons not to mention fonts.

I tried to adjust the screen with “Monitor gamma calibration” with no success.

Could someone point out to me please, how this problem could be fixed ?

Thanks again.
Have a nice day.

PS: I am running this DPup on HP e8440p with 4 GB RAM 2.67GHz 2 cores x86/MMX/SSE2
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by cthisbear »

Your specs:



I boot this on an old HP laptop ...looks a little bit like yours....
and have never experienced that problem ever,
or on any other laptop or desktop.

I am just posting back so others can chip in.

Welcome to Puppy....Chris.
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by 01101001b »

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:47 pm I've never come across a 64-bit release of DPup 'Stretch' [...] I may have overlooked it.
Nope Mike, you didn't. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. I searched for it throughly while using DpupStretch 7.5 32bit and overnight I was in need of a 64bit Dpup "Stretch" version. I found none (StretchDog aside). So I gave a spin to Dpup "Buster" 64bit and (thanks goodness and josejp2424!) it turned out rock solid as Dpup Stretch 7.5 :thumbup2:

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by TIFTAF »

@ Chris

Thanks for your reply.
You are right. I have never experienced this behavior before and strangely enough I can tell already while puppy is still booting whether I will get a dark or a light ( normal ) desktop.
The decision is apparenty being by made by the booting script at the point after the kernels are being loaded.
If those boot-screen-fonts remain “light” I get a light desktop. If those font change to dark, well you know the story.
I will keep trying to find the problem

Have a nice day
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by mikeslr »


A slightly belated Welcome to the Forum. :thumbup:

Just passing on a couple of ideas. For things to work properly "all the stars must align": the applications, the hardware drivers and firmware, the operating system, the hardware and the motherboard and CPU. As your name is not familiar to me from the "old forum" and you only joined this one 6 days ago, I have to wonder whether dpup-stretch is your first Puppy and whether any others Puppy might not have a display problem.

I don't think that something inherent in dpup-stretch is the cause. I have a laptop where in order for sound to be more than a distant whisper I have to adjust it using the button built into the laptop. But that condition manifests itself with every Linux.

We'll never know if something about dpup-stretch contributes to the problem if you haven't tried any other Puppy. Before making any suggestions as to which, I figured it would be good to know what your computer was capable of handling. Looking at its specs, https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c02030599#AbT0, I noticed that it has "an Ambient Light Sensor". I don't recall if dpup-stretch as red-shift since (a) I'm not posting from it and (b) its one of the things I make certain is NOT operating, as when it does I have difficulty reading the screen. At any rate, you may want to explore the possibility of malfunction, non-function and conflict between them that these applications suggest.

As for which Puppy: you computer any handle any. I don't see any reason not to try a 64-bit Puppy
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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by JASpup »

Is there a page that explains this pup or is it all inside baseball?

I can see what it looks like. 7.5 looks Xenial. Then :?:

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by OscarTalks »

The best place to look for information is probably the development thread in the old forum, but it is a long thread.
https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 4&t=112125
Dpup-Stretch is a brilliant 32bit Pup which probably deserves more recognition than it seems to get. It is a Mainline Woof-CE Puppy from the Xenial or Bionic era, but using Debian Stretch packages instead of Ubuntu packages. There will be some other differences within the build recipe. It is recent enough for almost everything to still work and compile. Other than that, I would suggest giving it a try and then posting any specific enquiries that pop up.

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by JASpup »

OscarTalks wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:39 pm

https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 4&t=112125
...using Debian Stretch packages instead of Ubuntu packages.

I appreciate the recommendation.

Trying multiple pups boosts learning curve proficiency but kills productivity.

The Papirus Trash in the development thread looks Lx-series. Mainline Bionic is sort of a hybrid as such.

I'm most comfortable in JWM or XFCE, but otherwise it would be interesting to learn the advantage of a Debian base.

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Post by 6502coder »

posted in error

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by cthisbear »


Are there any newer Slimjets that still work for this.
I have tried a few but they never work past >>> slimjet-

Agree that this Pup was the Ants Pants.

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by OscarTalks »

I think the first thing to try should probably be the Slimjet Portable packages by Mike Walsh here:-
Although I did upload Slimjet- as .pet and .sfs here:-
These were tested in my Dpup Stretch remaster, though only briefly. They contain the essential tweaks and do run as root. Menu entry should be there or run from terminal with the command slimjet. It contains the upgraded ffmpeg for media playback. You will get the warning about running with the --no-sandbox flag on startup, but you can just click that off. Adding the --test-type argument seems to eliminate that, but I didn't add it as I am not sure of all the full effects and implications of doing so.

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by cthisbear »

Thanks OscarTalks.

I only returned here to say I used >>> slimjet_lxsc_spot_30.0.5.0.sfs today for the first time
in DPup Stretch. It works fine although Gmail hates it...insecure...so no good for Ebay.
friggin' Googmuck, hope I spelt it right.

I use it in Cosmic Cuttlefish but I think peabee made it for >> LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE.

https://sourceforge.net/projects/lxpup/ ... /browsers/



Anyway mate thanks again...I will download both items.

Cheers to the Puppy creative team..


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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by cthisbear »

Not happy ha! ha! both work mate.

" Although I did upload Slimjet- as .pet and .sfs here "

Slimjet pet even works in Cosmic.

"warning about running with the --no-sandbox flag on startup, but you can just click that off"
That's what I do...no probs.
And even better > It works fine and Gmail doesn't hate it...so works also for Ebay.

As usual thanks for your great work keeping Stretch alive.


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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by mikewalsh »

@cthisbear :-

[Slightly "off-topic", I know, but I think I'm allowed to these days..!] :D

If you want to try the 'portable' SlimJet, Chris, do be aware that both versions are running with the --no-sandbox option.

This was the very last browser I gave the 'portable' treatment to; as always, it was Flashpeak's insistence that the launch wrapper must be called "flashpeak-slimjet" that was throwing me out.....and as usual, I was overthinking it.

The 64-bit version presented slightly more of a challenge. I normally employ a pair of wrappers, one for older Pups where the built-in 'lib' directory is needed, the other for more recent Pups where the built-in system libs are newer, so would conflict. Each of these has a slightly different name. Most of the clones are quite happy with this, but Flashpeak say the wrapper must always have the specified name.....and you can't have two identically-named files in the same location, 'cos Linux doesn't allow that, does it? :roll:

So, the two wrappers are kept in a sub-directory, and at launch time, the appropriate one is copied out to the main directory & renamed just prior to firing Slimjet up. Slightly fiddly, but it does seem to work!

If anybody really wants Slimjet-portable64 with full sand-boxing enabled, it wouldn't be too hard to build a "run-as-spot" variant, along the same lines as the Google-Chrome one....

(If you have an existing profile you want to use, just drop it into the top level & re-name it to "PROFILE". Slimmie should pick it up and use it automatically; otherwise, just launch Slimjet, and a new one will be automatically created & sym-linked inside /slimjet at run-time.

You also have the ability to add a Menu entry from wherever your portable is located.....IF you want one)


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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by cthisbear »


Snort snort.
Happy as a pig in mud mate.

The beauty of Puppy versus Winslows.
The other day my wife whinged that Facebook notifications weren't working.
Hers is an old 2 gig ram Gigabyte board computer.
I had updated her to the latest Windows Slimjet by the way.

I used to use Palemoon a lot until I went to Slimjet over 5 years ago.
Of course Puppy booted up and her notifications worked OOTB in Stretch with Slimjet.

Cleaned her Win7 machine with Puppy and rebooted into windows and she finally had it work.
I did say to her this is all about MS...FaceCrap and the rest forcing new hardware on you,
witness the Win11 TPM 2.0 on Unsupported PCs...but people just can never get it.

Here are some ways to do that.,,nearly halfway down the page.

3 Ways to Install Windows 11 on Unsupported PC

https://gadgetstouse.com/blog/2021/07/0 ... d-devices/

Anyway again thanks to all the beavers here working for Puppy.


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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by Clarity »

@cthisbear your wife, like the many other human partners we have, is merely exhibiting a 'normal' preference of one thing vs another...even if both do the same thing.

We see it all the time, even here on the forum, when one member for any intangible reason, may refuse to use something else to do the same thing...due to a 'preference'.

Just normal. My kids are the same humans.

Smile. :)

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Re: dpup-stretch 7.5 ISO and other files

Post by mikewalsh »

@cthisbear :-

Jeez. :roll: The crazy thing is, Chris, that despite putting all those hurdles in people's way for obtaining a "new" version of the Redmond monstrosity, you know as well as I do that millions of folks will do just that. Like you, I much prefer Pup to MyCrudSoft; so much simpler, and much, MUCH more fun to work with.....

Mike. ;)

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