... x86_64-9.3 ... up-x86-9.3
9.3.x is a stepping stone to 10.0.0. It's built from Debian 11 packages and contains the new features that will go into the final 10.0.0 release (which will be based on Debian 12, some time in 2023), but on top of the same foundation as 9.2.x.
Changes compared to 9.2.x:
The kernel is now built from the Debian 11 kernel sources and tracks it on a bi-weekly basis, instead of tracking 5.10.x bugfix releases: if Debian waits with a security or stability fix that may introduce regressions or needs extra QA, so does Vanilla Dpup. This makes Vanilla Dpup easier to maintain, increases stability and increases Debian compatibility.
To prepare for future EOL of aufs for kernel 5.10.x, aufs is gone and replaced with overlay. Unlike aufs, a big third-party kernel patch that breaks when it conflicts with fixes that went into kernel 5.10.x, overlay is integrated into the kernel source tree. Also, most production-grade applications (Docker is a good example) have migrated to overlay long time ago, so overlay is mature and more people depend on it and participate in bug reporting and fixing. However, due to differences between overlay and aufs and design limitations, RAM consumption with PUPMODE 13 is higher, saving is much slower, 9.2.x save files and folders are incompatible with 9.3.x (but packages that worked 9.2.x will keep working), but it doesn't suffer from the data loss issues caused by aufs and snapmergepuppy, and overall responsiveness should be better under PUPMODE 13 on computers with enough RAM.
Limited support for dynamic SFS loading (in >= beta4), under PUPMODE 5 (first boot) or 13 (pmedia=bootflash) only.
All built-in SFSs are now zstd-compressed, increasing their size by about 10%, but CPU consumption during decompression is much, much lower. It should boot slightly faster.
BootFlash is back and supports BIOS (with syslinux), UEFI (with efilinux), with either one big FAT32 partition or a small FAT32 alongside a large F2FS partition, plus microcode updates.
More preinstalled applications: abiword, gnumeric, gparted, mpv, xournalpp and putty are now preinstalled.
weechat is updated.
Claws Mail replaces Sylpheed, because the former supports GTK+ 3 and seems to be a more active project.
Support for Debian packages in PPM is disabled. This confuses users who have to choose between two package managers, and PPM often fails to install packages or even breaks the system.
Flatpak is now preinstalled and the Flathub repo is preconfigured. Applications installed via Flatpak can be huge and resource intensive (especially when application x uses one runtime and application y uses another), but they're always the latest version and isolated from the rest of the OS. This is a good, easy and safe way to install the latest version of an application, especially for big applications and things like games. Flatpak itself is pretty small and doesn't do anything if unused.
DKMS, the infrastructure for building out-of-tree drivers like NVIDIA and Broadcom drivers, is now built-in to the main SFS, making it much easier to get hardware that needs proprietary drivers to work, at the cost of extra size.
pTheme is replaced with jwm_config and the legacy Puppy theme tools from the 4.x era. pTheme is very intrusive: this new-old setup is easier to replace with something like JWMDesk, which many users seem to prefer. Appearance-related settings are less centralized, making them easier to fine-tune, at the cost of more clicks in more windows.
By default, the tray is at the bottom and the desktop contains the traditional Puppy desktop icons. Users seem to prefer this from what I see.
The default cursor is black, not white, for improved contrast and better consistency with applications that don't follow the cursor theme.
The Blueman tray icon is disabled, because it's RAM intensive.
Translations (the nlsx SFS) are now included in the ISO. It looks like Vanilla Dpup is popular among Spanish speakers, and most applications in Vanilla Dpup have Spanish translations: now, you can select Spanish in Quick Setup and you're good to go. Users who don't need translations can remove the nlsx SFS from their installation.
The default font is now Noto and not DejaVu. It covers more languages and it's more visually consistent. (nlsx includes CJK fonts.)
Documentation (not just man pages) is now built-in to the ISO (the docx SFS). Users who don't need documentation can remove this SFS from their installations.
Vanilla Dpup now supports /etc/environment: this is a place where you can define environment variables seen by all applications started after login.
The default hardware clock mode is local time, not UTC - that's Puppy's tradition and what Windows uses. Some early 9.2.x users asked for UTC as the default, to fix Puppy<>other distros (which use UTC) conflicts, but it looks like more Vanilla Dpup users also use other Puppy family distros, which use local time, and need to deal with Puppy<>Puppy conflicts.
Stick to 9.2.x if you need something stable. This beta is released to collect feedback and generate a new list of issues that need to be fixed.