So been quite a flurry trying out weedogging a number of upstream distros, some working out of the box, some needing a greater or smaller number of tweaks of course. I'm surprised the Internet hasn't slowed down from all the extra bandwidth being used (my rural copper-wire household broadband certainly almost fell to its knees with my other family members asking me to release some bandwidth for their youtube viewing demands...).
So lots to get on with - pick a distro - try it. Like rockedge, I continue to recommend Void Linux, though Arch-based is my personal mainstay, for various reasons.
I'm taking a break now (been almost too hectic/exciting - i must be getting too old - feeling tired out), except I'll look out the associated utility scripts and main two basic build scripts and get back to re-assembling the old github pages with the latest for those who want these further experiments.
NOTE: Yes, there are NO good docs on WDL overall. Somebody needs to write the book. There is plenty to write about beyond the WDL skeleton initrd kit.