FR initrd "Cheat Sheet"

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FR initrd "Cheat Sheet"

Post by wiak »

NOTE: Other maybe useful quick notes and links at (no particular order as yet, sorry - will add a few titles to below links eventually):
rockedge - save persistence for KLV-Airedale: ... 219#p50219
wiak - Building a root filesystem for use with WDL initrd: viewtopic.php?p=44079#p44079
WDL initrd skeleton kit downloads: ... p=355#p355
fredx181 - HowTo WDL Manjaro XFCE: viewtopic.php?p=36144#p36144
fredx181 above HowTo (modified by wiak re: official Arch Linux variant): viewtopic.php?p=37357#p37357
wiak - WDL initrd/Manjaro notes1 - intro: viewtopic.php?p=34673#p34673
wiak - WDL initrd/Manjaro notes2: viewtopic.php?p=35536#p35536
fredx181- cr_initrd making WDL initrd much smaller by module trimming: viewtopic.php?p=36345#p36345
wiak - test of fredx181 cr_initrd: viewtopic.php?p=36357#p36357
wiak - WDL initrd w_changes RAM modes: viewtopic.php?p=36289#p36289
wiak - suggestions for doing admin work as non-root user: viewtopic.php?p=35615#p35615
wiak - simple wd_mount utility: viewtopic.php?p=36296#p36296
wiak - re: old WDL_Arch remaster script by fredx181: viewtopic.php?p=36319#p36319
fredx181 - Sep2021 More info on WDL remaster script: viewtopic.php?p=36495#p36495
wiak - fixing Makulu WDL installs on old intel machines: viewtopic.php?p=36330#p36330
wiak - re w_init use (i.e. second stage of WDL initrd/init): viewtopic.php?p=36378#p36378
wiak - using mount_chroot utils to change firstrib_rootfs login passwords: viewtopic.php?p=36409#p36409
rockedge - Zoneminder on WDL_manjaXFCE: viewtopic.php?p=36465#p36465
wiak - WeeDogged FossaPup64 notes/'rough' howto: viewtopic.php?p=36672#p36672
rockedge - Using Puppy linux kernel and zdrv (firmware) without needing to copy any modules in initrd or firstrib_rootfs: viewtopic.php?p=37247#p37247
wiak - build_firstrib_rootfs script - for those who want to build their 'own' firstrib_rootfs for use with WDL initrd: viewtopic.php?p=37093#p37093
rockedge - example f_XXX.plug files for building WDL Void Linux JWM desktop or, alternatively, non-X console-based distros: viewtopic.php?p=37122#p37122
wiak - some possible fixes for repo connection timeout failures that can break a build being attempted by build_firstrib_rootfs script: viewtopic.php?p=36473#p36473
wiak - HowTo: 79MB WDL_Void core build (easily expandable): viewtopic.php?p=37545#p37545
wiak - HowTo expand the 79MB WDL_Void core build for a minimal X GUI desktop (example uses twm, but can easily install and use JWM or XFCE instead):
rockedge - rt huge kernel/modules/firmware (fossapup) you can use with WDL systems if you wish: viewtopic.php?p=37673#p37673
wiak - using rockedge's rt huge kernel/modules/firmware with WDL (without needing to copy firmware or modules into the main firstrib_rootfs): viewtopic.php?p=37747#p37747
rockedge - Setting up a WDL_Void-core build and adding a XFCE4 desktop: viewtopic.php?p=37772#p37772

So there isn't much in the way of docs but here is the quick cheat sheet of specific WDL initrd boot options for use with grub and so on :

Once a WDL system build has been prepared (e.g. after following the example WDL ManjaroXFCE HowTo or, alternatively, following a normal build script build) the following applies:

initrd.gz and, unless "nosfs", NNfirstrib_rootfs.sfs are now
ready and, usually, appropriate vmlinuz kernel in the same directory.
Copy these to your chosen boot partition/directory if not already in it.

You need either NNfirstrib_rootfs.sfs
a copy of the uncompressed firstrib_rootfs directory renamed to
NNfirstrib_rootfs, where NN can be 01 up to 99
(depending on layer position required). Default is currently NN=08
You can also copy additional sfs files named NNsomething.sfs or an
unsquashed directory (e.g. of any such sfs) named NNsomething.

Finally create appropriate grub.cfg or grub4dos menu.lst boot entry
using kernel-line bootparams:
w_bootfrom=/mnt/partition/directory, or w_bootfrom=LABEL|UUID=/bootdir

Optional w_changes=[option] where option can be (uc is upper_changes):
media for uc saved direct to media (such as hard disk),
RAM0 for uc in RAM but external media uc contents not included at all,
RAM1 for uc in RAM but external media uc contents copied in,
RAM2 for uc in RAM but external media uc highest layer RO loopmounted,
/mnt/partition/dir for alt direct to uc media location,
no_uc0 or no_uc1, are only for rare special cases - refer to main docs.

Optional w_copy2ram, to copy all NNsfs, NNdirs, w_rdshN.plug to RAM.

Optional w_altNN=path2dir for alternative location for NNsfs/dirs.
Optional w_rmmodule="list of modules" or w_addmodule="list of modules".

Optional w_rdshN arguments (where N=0,1,2,3,4 or 5) to force debug sh,
Optional w_rdshN.plug files, which will be sourced by initrd/init,
Optional w_inram00.plug, which will be sourced by initrd/init,
Optional w_pre_switch_root.plug, which will be sourced by initrd/init,

Example grub4dos and grub2 configs:

Code: Select all

title WDL_manjaXFCE
find --set-root uuid () b812c597-8099-4bee-9bb3-8b9c10f1e902
kernel /WDL_manjaXFCE/vmlinuz-5.13-x86_64 w_bootfrom=UUID=b812c597-8099-4bee-9bb3-8b9c10f1e902=/WDL_manjaXFCE w_changes=RAM2
initrd /WDL_manjaXFCE/initrd.gz
Or use w_bootfrom=LABEL=xxx.../WDLtype or w_bootfrom=/mnt/sda4/WDLtype

menuentry "WDL_arch64" {
    insmod ext2
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 78683fe5-0323-4030-9ddd-39464a8fbf80
    linux /WDL_arch64/vmlinuz-linux w_bootfrom=UUID=78683fe5-0323-4030-9ddd-39464a8fbf80=/WDL_arch64 w_changes=RAM2
    initrd /WDL_arch64/initrd.gz
DOWNLOAD wd_multi for hundreds of 'distros' at your fingertips: viewtopic.php?p=99154#p99154
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