Tahrpup 6.0.5
Acer laptop listed below
Seamonkey 2.49.4 (originally)
I did not see the latest Seamonkey 2.53.6 (Linux i686) warning that the new version clobbers earlier Seamonkey profiles (I was running 2.49.4).
So not only did it wreck that profile (master protected passwords don't work), but the new version of Seamonkey also had problems -- it crashed on opening many common web pages.... for example, opening Youtube crashes it.
Thinking that maybe the crashing was because the old profile was causing problems, I backed that profile up, and removed /root/.mozilla completely. Normally restarting a new instance of Seamonkey without a /root/.mozilla will generate a brand new /root/.mozilla and start a new Seamonkey instance with no addons, extensions, bookmarks, passwords, mail, etc.
Yup, that did start fresh, but, nope, the page crashing behavior was unchanged. Navigating to Youtube.com crashed the browser. What the....????!!!!
So now what? Any suggestions?
Thanks guys.....