I like the clock at the top right. Nice touch.
Yes, but I think it's a little too big.
My OS: ArtStudio64 - a Woof-CE built from Bionic 18.04
Running in RAM only, no save file, no save folder
Yah; I agree with Rainer on this one. It IS a nice touch.....but I mentioned my "wish list" here:-
No idea if those options CAN be 'adjusted' separately. Not complaining, though!
I do at least have it set to match the "ne-blackgreen" forum theme that I use:-
bugnaw333 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:07 pmo
It reminds me "when to stop" browsing the forum everyday...
Then turn if off. User control panel.
New Laptop - ASUS ZenBook Ryzen 7 5800H Vega 7 iGPU / 16 GB RAM
Don't like the clock.
All Puppies already comes with clock in the tray.
It is unnecessary additional javascript load from the page.
And you can't say "turn it off in the control panel", because if we don't log in then the "control panel" settings don't apply. For people who like the clock so much, I think the settings should be OFF by default for everyone, and those who like it can turn it on.
Well, did not think of it, until I was looking at a topic.
But you only see this clock, if you are at the very top of the web page.
After you start to scroll down into the posts in a topic.
Can no longer see the clock.
But the one in the tray is always visible.
So, now I am not so sure it is really providing anything useful.
Never simple is it?
The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected
Sorry, but
- on my Android phone the time is correct but almost unreadale
- too big, thus takes an extra line of precious real estate
- unnecessary. I don't need 2 clocks on the screen
- on the PC I now have even 3 clocks. Only the tray clock is current local time, the other 2 are more confusing than useful
@MochiMoppel If you don't need it, turn it off in your User Control Panel->Board Preferences
Want to change the colors of the clock? Set those in the same place.
This was mentioned several posts ago.
rockedge wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:24 pm@MochiMoppel If you don't need it, turn it off in your User Control Panel->Board Preferences
Want to change the colors of the clock? Set those in the same place.This was mentioned several posts ago.
Has no effect when I'm not logged in (as in Android phone). Control Panel settings don't apply.
@MochiMoppel I find that the clock settings are not working completely properly. I have it set for No Display for Guests which works on the Kennel Linux phpBB site but not here. This setting should prevent the clock from showing when not logged in to the forum.
The clock is experimental and probably will not remain unless I can fix the small problem with the settings.
Clock was turned off shortly. There seems to be a slight bug in the Settings options. The option to turn off the clock for guest users or other configurations are not working.
So I am looking for the reason and fix. On the other phpBB sites it is working as expected.
The clock may come and go as this process continues. Chances are I will turn it off until the developer looks into it.
We may have an extensions conflict.
Due to the problems noted in posts above, and the problem with being unable to configure the Guest view settings with the clock on this board, I have turned OFF the digital clock until further notice.
I will test with the same extensions on a development platform of phpBB to track down what is going on.
On the dev board and on kennel-linux.rockedge.org
board it is working as expected. And those boards are the same base code but a difference in enabled extensions.
I use a small Conky with Date and Clock in it's own window, set to "keep above" other windows. It is small enough to put over a blank area on just about any program I use.
I have both panels / taskbars set to autohide, making the Conky Clock a nice feature for me.
I generally prefer not to know how little time is left in the day and especially when I'm coding since I get guilty that I should go to bed and sleep since I need to wake up 7am at the latest. In practice nowadays I habitually get rudely awoken around 6am by a colourful little bird that pecks at the mirrored sliding glass door. Today was slightly different... the wee bird came at 6am, pretty much on the dot per usual, and then I heard a loud thump and seemed to be a flurry of feathers. Saw bigger shadow at window/sliding door edge and thought it was a large brown bird, but then I realised it was a large adult monkey who was now banging on the glass whilst looking at himself in the mirrored glass.
Turned out there was a troup of monkeys playing at being administrators and moderators on top of the house being constructed. A couple were screeching and gibbering in their teeth showing attempts to silence the rest of the monkeys. Might have been a meeting of the Monkey Linux Discussion Forum but the two screeching monkeys obviously didn't know anything about Linux.
Anyway, in case they broke the place, which seemed very possible, the construction workers who were actually building the place chased them off the roof and they ran off into the trees.
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Good news!!!
The extension Digital Clock developer @Chris1278 himself was given admin rights and fixed the problem for us this morning! Excellent service call I'd say.
@wiak ->
@Flash it is as accurate as your system clock is.
Hello, I'm Chris and I registered here because of the problem with the extension.
2 things.
1. The extension didn't cause any errors, it worked exactly as it should.
2. The error that meant it couldn't be set up for the guest account is as follows: The guest account was given a user name at some point. So the original name Anonymous was changed to user1111. So the clock extension logically had no point of contact in the database to load or save the settings. This has now been fixed.
Now the setting for guests works as usual.
I can't understand why you would give a system user a different name anyway. But whatever. It's fine the way it is now.
As for the size, you can't set it unless you change the CSS values accordingly. Only the admin who has access to FTP can do this. But the problem here is that you have to bear in mind that the clock is displayed differently in different browsers. To make it a little more harmonious, the size of the watch looks the way it does.
I think the name was changed accidentally during a controversy with a rogue user who threatened legal action against the forum if we did not remove every trace of their user name from the forum.
You know I wondered why earlier that the user that should be Anonymous was user1111. This should fix some other potential problems as well.
jamesbond wrote:I think the settings should be OFF by default for everyone, and those who like it can turn it on.
The clock is Turned OFF if not logged in and can be enabled or disabled by the individual users in their UCP.
Chris1278 wrote:As for the size, you can't set it unless you change the CSS values accordingly. Only the admin who has access to FTP can do this. But the problem here is that you have to bear in mind that the clock is displayed differently in different browsers. To make it a little more harmonious, the size of the watch looks the way it does
Yes I realized this so did not adjust the CSS for it.
YES there is a hacker group called Anonymous but there is no need to expect any complaints. And when a visitor writes something (logged out and if they have the right to do so) they are entered as user number Guest with a random number sequence as the poster of the post.
I think I accidentally changed it and did not intend to. I changed the registered user's name to user1111 and somehow the thing was changed.
We did not want to lose all of the contributions that a user rufwoof shared but it was demanded to remove the name so I changed it to user1111 but why that showed up changed the user Anonymous I really don;t know for sure....must of been me.
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But posts that a user named rufwoof has posted have nothing to do with the guest account.
If you want to receive posts that a certain user has written, you just have to replace the name with a new one in the posts table in the database. Or you can use this extension here:
This extension is an extension that allows users to delete their user account themselves. And this can be configured using the extension's permissions so that the posts are retained and then simply given a Guest1234 user name.
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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But posts that a user named rufwoof has posted have nothing to do with the guest account.
Yes I know, and I'll say it again, it was accidental. Ein Fehler.
Not sure how the Anonymous user name was changed. It shouldn't have been. Never was my intention. I understand on how to change the name. Why this was changed is a mystery,
Thanks for the extension tip. I looked into this before. I will have to think it over before I install it though