Don't connect your puppy live usb to Android guys.
Or anything that is formatted FAT32...
So when i try booting it, It's not using the save file
Then, when i want to check the save file
It's say, it's failed to mount/ unmount it(i guess it's corrupted?)
Then i try fixing it using e2fsck. It's say it can't read the superblock, then show the partition is in vfat.
I'm not sure if it really android at fault or because of myself, it's just a guess. Because it's corrupted after i plug it on my android phone.
Anyway, let me know guys, if you know something.
And maybe if my savefile can be recovered.
There's nothing particularly important there, yeah maybe saving time to setting it up again and learn why it's corrupted.
And im sorry if this is not the right place to discuss it, im new.
Edit :
I guess the loss data of file it's not the android fault. It's probably me, not really careful when saving and taking it out. Besides, i use the original .iso that i burn into my usb stick using rufus. So the save file is still in .4fs format.