Hello everybody:
I saw how followed is the "Show us your desktop" post, but when you post your desktop no one can use it because of the included icons.
I want to make a collection of wallpapers for F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLE puppy derivative, and I think your help could be very important.
Do you mind to share your desktops so I can edit them ?
I think this is the best way to produce wallpapers globally acepted, and people could use them the way they want.
If you are interested, please, attach your wallpaper. (user/share/backgrouds)
THANKS A LOT IN ADVANCE. . - I will start.-
Due to observations about saving space ( viewtopic.php?p=89113#p89113 ).- Now I upload the wallpapers to drive and you can access there with this link.
VIEWERS.- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... share_link
You can continue uploading links to your suggested wallpapers (tell me where are hosted, and I will download them, edit them and upload to drive when they are ready to share as F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI wallpapers).