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Post by wiak »

For some reason or another I took a look at tinycorelinux site tonight. Then I looked at their forum. Back in the days (around 2007/2010) when I was primarily using Puppy Linux I actually maintained a couple of packages at tinycorelinux, though didn't visit there much. Now I can't even remember my forum login, though I tried out of curiousity. The forum only still seemed to feature a couple of the old guard I remember there, and to be frank not much discussion was going on at all - felt like it was dead or dying.

However, I did stumble across an announcement that said a new ver 14 beta was about to be released, or was released for testing, so not quite dead yet afterall. I'm happy about that somehow, but I do wonder if TC is approaching some natural end-of-life. SliTaz was another distro I liked back in the day, and it still has a website, but the 'rolling release' distro version doesn't seem to roll very much if at all so in a way that feels pretty dead now to me too.

With these old distro sites in mind I have to say that this forum, despite comments to the contrary by others, seems still to chug along quite well (though I also do feel it isn't as busy as once upon a time...). Frankly, despite other claims made by others to the contrary, I can't help but feeling that it is the 'competition' and creativity that has kept arising here via the 'other' distros that kept pushing the forum (and Puppy Linux itself) along or I suspect Puppy itself would be a museum piece. A lot of us forum 'members' are reaching that museum stage status though ;-)

Truth is, I don't know why people make such a fuss about any distro. Nice when any of them prove useful to anyone of course. I personally do think it is fine to insult the rubbish parts of any and all distros, however - that isn't insulting the humans that helped created them. Anyway, a distro is just a distro - yes, takes a lot of hard work making and - but if its good, good, if it's rubbish, well it's rubbish. Good points about many of them - rubbish points about all of them.

What's crazy though (really crazy) are the highly personal attacks on people just because they don't like 'another person's distro and dare to say so!!! It is not as if the distro itself cares one way or the other!

A different matter, I'd agree on though is that it is never acceptable when any human being takes ideas or plagiarises work by another human being without giving any credit at all to the source - that's just bad bad bad - I don't even like when anyone posts some code to the forum without admitting they just found it somewhere via google on the internet!... What about giving credit to whoever it was that actually wrote it! Daftest thing is when a person gets 'praised' for posting some application or whatever on the forum, or a link to it, but the actual creator of the software doesn't even get mentioned! All this blahblahblah JoeBlogs or whoever introduced it to the forum first - it wasn't written by JoeBloggs for goodness sakes! Anyone can google! So that is about humans and humans behaving badly. But distros - well they are all crap really and could all thus definitely be improved big time. So now all distros are angry at me for saying that. Poor wee distros.

Anyway, Juanito still churning the TCL releases out - my goodness, I'm really surprised... I wonder when the day will come when we finally say, TCL is dead, long live TCL!
At least Puppy Linux has been continually prodded back to some form of life, though it was looking a bit shaky for more than a wee while, though there is no way it could stay in its original decades old look-and-feel state and still survive, no matter how nostalgic the last of its older users feel about that.

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Re: tinycorelinux

Post by tosim »

@wiak While I agree "somewhat" with what you've said, I take exception with "A lot of us forum 'members' are reaching that museum stage status though ;-)".
I've reached that "stage" (?) at 88, but still (?) going strong. LOL.
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Re: tinycorelinux

Post by wizard »


Hear, Hear

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Re: tinycorelinux

Post by wiak »

tosim wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:13 pm @wiak While I agree "somewhat" with what you've said, I take exception with "A lot of us forum 'members' are reaching that museum stage status though ;-)".
I've reached that "stage" (?) at 88, but still (?) going strong. LOL.
Well you are definitely a museum piece tosim. World War II isn't exactly anything but history for most people, even if you were just a kid then and playing computer games on ENIAC.

Good for you though.

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Re: tinycorelinux

Post by wiak »

Tried VanillaOS tonight. Pretty intesting distro with its apx container functionality that supports Ubuntu, Arch, fedora package management.

Alas, despite looking glossy and being fast enough on my relatively powerful laptop I really don't like Gnome desktop.

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