Most video files contain much 3D information builtin.
The brain is smart enough to see (using 2 eyes)
that the television or computer monitor is a flat screen
and so shows the picture as a flat picture without 3D processing.
If the brain is tricked into not seeing the picture as a flat picture,
ir looks like a 3D picture to the brain (because it is)
and processes it using the 3D information which is included with the picture.
One way of tricking the brain into processing the video pictures as 3D
is to close one eye.
There are also diseases that can affect how easy it is to see the 3D processed video.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulfrich_effect
The Pulfrich effect may or may not exist,
but when you watch any video with one eye partially or completely blocked,
you are simply tricking the brain into processing the video
as 3D using the builtin 3D information..
It works with any video, colour or BW, moving or still pictures.
It does not need special glasses or equipment.
It does not change the colours (like anaglyph)
It does not need special 3D films to watch.
It works quite well with most videos and also still pictures.