@mikeslr :-
To save bookmarks with the Chromium-based clones is simple.
Shift+Ctrl+'O' will bring up the Bookmarks Manager. Top right corner, click on the three dots; choose 'Export bookmarks'. It'll open up a ROX 'Save as' window, and you save it as an HTML file (pre-selected) to your location of choice.
To restore those bookmarks to a clean install, repeat step one, then from the top-right menu, 'Import bookmarks'. Select the HTML file you previously saved, then 'OK' it.
It's as easy as that.
Firefox is a bit more awkward; I'm not sure of the steps off the top of my head - I don't tend to use it very often - and although you can import that same HTML file, it's more fiddly to get your bookmarks displayed the way you want them; it involves quite a bit of highlighting/moving from one category/location to another. FF doesn't immediately save to the 'Bookmarks toolbar', rather it saves to the 'Bookmarks menu'.....and that's not the same thing at all. So your bookmarks need to be moved before they show in the Bookmarks bar.
@artY :-
Unfortunately, the way these portable browsers are built means that yes; they DO need to remain plugged-in (if you run them from a flash drive). Simple reason being that they immediately write cache/history, etc, back to the 'profile' in the portable's directory; if they don't find it, they complain & crash/freeze almost straight away.
To do away with this requirement, you would need to run the 'portable' from within the 'save'. Meaning you would need to have plenty of space therein; cache/history can grow to alarming proportions, VERY rapidly.
There IS a way to control this at every shut-down; in the Ungoogled Chromium portable I produce, I've written the 'LAUNCH' script to ask if you wish to clear the cache at every shut-down. We found this HAD to be added for that particular browser, because since Ungoogled Chromium is built without Google's API keys built-in - a large part of the reason for it's existence! - it cannot control such stuff from within the way that, say, Chrome can. So the final shut-down question deletes the contents of the 'Cache' directory from directly within the profile itself IF 'Yes' is selcted.
As I say, that specific browser HAS to have it. But it's easy enough to add it into the 'LAUNCH' script of any of the other 'clones', if you want to take the route of locating it within the 'save'. I can soon talk you through it. It only involves a copy/paste operation.