Invitation to translators
I posted this in reponse to a Swedish langpack developed by Kjellinux, but have moved it here, more appropriate in the EasyOS section. Original thread: ... 147#p61147
I was searching the forum, to find where to post a report that I fixed a bug in momanager, and stumbled on your Swedish lang pack discussion thread.
Anyway, here is the fix for momanager: ... y-422.html
...the bug only affects pups that don't have 'grub4dos' installed.
I am very interested in using your langpack in EasyOS. The latest is 4.2.2, that you can download and write to a usb-stick, then bootup Easy, as described here (note, 4.2.3 coming very soon): ... w-ssd.html
To install the "devx" SFS, just click on the icon labeled "sfs" at the top of the screen.
Then install your langpack PET, so you are off to a good start. There will then be some more EasyOS-specific translations to do.
Easy has a choice of two different MoManagers, found in the "Utility" category of the menu. As well as the MoManager that you find in recent pups, Easy has an "old" "classic" version, with a simpler user interface. You might want to try both.
I build EasyOS for specific languages, with every translation already builtin. So far, have English, German and French builds. You can see them here: ... 022/4.2.2/
...advantages of doing it this way, are already translated at first bootup, and the WoofQ build system sucks in more translations than are in the langpack.
...notice also the "deltas" folder. These are small downloads for updating. Easy has an icon labeled "update", that will update the installation to the latest version. Those "delta files" or "difference files" have the difference between your current installation and the latest, so just the small difference file is downloaded, and you have updated.
Regarding that documentation about emailing the langpack to, I retired from leading the Puppy project in 2013! I still work on derivatives, such as EasyOS, exploring new ideas, so Easy is to be considered as an experimental distribution.
No one seems to have stepped in to coordinate translations for Puppy, though you could try 01micko.
Announcement of Easy 4.2.2 here: ... eased.html
If you want to support translations for Easy, you can do what esmourguit does for the fr langpack. Whenever I bring out a new release, he sends me any new translations, usually .mo files, and I add them to his fr langpack. So he doesn't have to send me the complete new langpack every time.
If you can't email them, post them to the EasyOS section of this forum.
The above is an invite, but only if you are interested of course!
Anyone who wants to do this, know that it is a lot of work.