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Bookworm Build script

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:21 pm
by fredx181

Update 2024-09-24 new attached mklive-bookworm script below, fix for when running from EasyOs, see: ... 26#p131626

Remove fake .gz, make executable
(73.78 KiB) Downloaded 170 times

Update 2024-09-09 new attached mklive-bookworm script below, added LXQT to the Desktop Environment choices, see also: ... 36#p130636
Update 2024-06-16 new attached mklive-bookworm script below, fixed problem with debootstrap, see info: ... 05#p123105
Update 2023-06-16 new attached mklive-bookworm script below, added choice for to create a "no-merged-usr" filesystem, see: ... 725#p91725
Update 2023-05-06 new attached mklive-bookworm script below, small change, see: ... 406#p88406
Update 2023-03-15 new attached mklive-bookworm script, some fixes, see: ... 286#p84286
Update 2022-11-04 new attached mklive-bookworm script, some fixes, see: ... 476#p71476
Update 2022-10-26 new attached mklive-bookworm script, creates a "usr-merged" system now, see more info here; ... 577#p70577
EDIT 2022-10-26 Test ISO updated, accordingly (with usr-merged) see download link below.

Update 2022-10-11 new attached mklive-bookworm script, changes similar as mklive-sid, see ... 247#p69247
EDIT 2022-07-28 Test ISO updated, see link below.

EDIT 2022-08-03 Build shared by @exton ... 525#p63525

Attached script above, mklive-bookworm, will build an ISO of a Debian 12 (bookworm) live system similar to 'DebianDog' (Remove fake .gz and make executable).

(for building on any Debian(dog) based host OS).

Run the build on a Linux filesystem (ext2 ext3 ext4) NOT on FAT or NTFS , with at least 3GB free space
For example on /mnt/sda2 , e.g. cd /mnt/sda2; ./mklive-bookworm -gui (GUI) or cd /mnt/sda2; ./mklive-bookworm -cli (CLI)

Use the 'appimage' (dependencies included) for building from another host OS (e.g. from Puppy), info and download here: ... rmdog.html
EDIT 2023-05-06: Appimages maintained again after some time it had been not.

Bookworm hasn't reached Debian "stable" branch yet, but will be next year.
Until that time it's the 'testing' branch.
Gtk2 is still supported to some extend (basic), but will probably be deprecated completely at some point of time.
In the future, some (GTK3) replacements need to be found for e.g. pcmanfm, rox-filer and more...

Very similar as the Bullseye build script: Info and screenshots
Change is that the Gui (using yad) supports GTK3 now.
Major changes compared to earlier build scripts (mklive-stretch, mklive-buster):

  • use of 'overlay' instead of 'aufs'
  • option to run with systemd as init system (default is elogind, that will provide the legacy 'initscripts')
  • option to set locale/language
  • keep or remove man and doc files
  • option to generate 'initrd.img' (for live-boot, default is porteus-boot)
  • option to create UEFI ISO.
  • Sfs-load 'on the fly' is using a completely different method (by creating symlinks)
  • The newest available kernel (currently v5.15) will be installed by the build script.
    (and a .squashfs will be created in the 'live' folder, e.g. k-5.15.0-3-amd64.squashfs)

EDIT 2022-10-26 ISO updated, now with kernel 5.19 and contains lots of firmware (newest) and a "usr-merged" system.
Test ISO Openbox+tint2 no-systemd 64-bit UEFI 2022-10-26 (with merged-usr) Size: 601M / md5
Login details: password root = root , password puppy = puppy

Openbox with tint2 panels:
Pcmanfm providing the Desktop + Lxpanel:

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:22 pm
by fredx181

*** Changes and Fixes ***

2022-07-24: Two major problems fixed, see viewtopic.php?p=62665#p62665

2022-10-26: Changed to "usr-merged" system see: viewtopic.php?p=70577#p70577

2023-05-06: Appimages maintained again and small fix for uid of user 'puppy' : viewtopic.php?p=88406#p88406

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:39 pm
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:22 pm
by fredx181

Hey backi ! thanks.

Looks like you don't have an internet connection, is that right ? In that case it's not just a synaptic problem I guess.
Did you build it or use the test ISO ?

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:30 pm
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:41 pm
by fredx181
backi wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:30 pm

Hi Fred !
I did a Build........Internet Connection is working fine.
I am going to install the Test-Iso also.......and will report.

Ok, that's strange, internet is working and synaptic gives errors, I can't reproduce that. edit: apt update too gives errors ?
What build type you did ? (and/or something special you installed/configured ?)

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:52 pm
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:14 pm
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:42 pm
by fredx181

going to try again new Install......maybe i did something need to hurry/panic.

backi wrote:

apt update too gives error...

Is that after trying again ?
and are you sure internet works by e.g. opening this forum with e.g. firefox ?


Debian Dog Full--Openbox with Pcmfm---lxpanel--or JWm

In the meantime I tested new build this way, synaptic 'Reload' and apt update works fine, so no idea what can be wrong at your end.

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:51 pm
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:00 pm
by fredx181
backi wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:51 pm

Tried same again.........
Internet Connection works........Problem persists....Synaptic not "reloading".

I did the Build with Fossa-Dog64........may this be the Culprit?

Since it works for you .....i think better let`s forget about it.

Test Iso is working fine

Weird, I'm curious if anyone else trying this has the same problem.
Tnanks anyway backi !

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:09 pm
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:37 pm
by fredx181
backi wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:09 pm

Hi Fred !

I would like to delete my "Bug" Report(s)....or is it anyhow "useful"?...cause it is causing more Confusion than being helpful....(too much Text/Blabber).
Would this be O.K. ? ...

Your choice but I'd say keep it (or shorten it), it's about what you experienced and can be useful IMO.

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:18 am
by backi


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:45 am
by fredx181
backi wrote:

I did the Build with Fossa-Dog64........may this be the Culprit?

Very unlikely, anyway I tested building with appimage ./mklive-bookworm64 -gui (this time chose "ChromeDog") from Fossa-Dog and got no problems.
- Did the build on a ext4 formatted partition.
- Booted the built OS with fresh save (Synaptic and apt-get works OK).

Anything special you configured that could possibly be the cause of the problem you have ?

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:25 pm
by backi

Hi Fred!
Did send you a private Mail.

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:55 pm
by backi


When using AppImage Build Script (./mklive-bookworm64 Build -gui)
.........despite working Internet Connection .......Synaptic Packet Manager seemed not (re)loading in Obdog (DebianDog Full,openbox with Pcmanfm,lxpanel or Jwm,with Firefox ----Nr.6) first Sight.

But now it does.
I wonder why .

In Case anybody else encounters such Kind of Bug/Problem..........please report.

Many Thanks in Advance!

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:25 pm
by stemsee

I tried this out today. I ran it on fossadog. It went so smoothly, with no errors, but there was no kernel or kernel modules. After frugally installing I added my own kernel and modules. The kernel booted but nothing else did! I tried the systemd and xfce variant. I'm on a chromebook, on which fossadog runs very well with the same kernel.


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:50 pm
by fredx181

Hi stemsee,

It went so smoothly, with no errors, but there was no kernel or kernel modules.

Apparently the (separate) kernel .squashfs wasn't created at build stage, no idea why, maybe you can try again.
(recommended to use the Debian kernel)
I tested also on Fossadog and no such problem, but can't test on a Chromebook... (not sure if it has anything to do with that)

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:47 pm
by keniv


Attached script, mklive-bookworm, will build an ISO of a Debian 12 (bookworm) live system similar to 'DebianDog'

Hi Fred,
I don't have the confidence or the knowledge to try building an iso from your script but I have downloaded your test iso DebLive_bookworm-tint2-amd64-UEFI.iso largely because I have Busterdog installed which I like. DebLive_bookworm-tint2-amd64-UEFI.iso is installed, up and running and I'm posting from it now.

Bookworm hasn't reached Debian "stable" branch yet, but will be next year.
Until that time it's the 'testing' branch.

Can I ask does the above mean I should expect a lot of things not to work, a bit like an alpha release, or does it mean something different?



Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:28 pm
by backi

@keniv wrote:

Can I ask does the above mean I should expect a lot of things not to work, a bit like an alpha release, or does it mean something different?

I use it on a daily Base.
Works flawless for me......not encountered any Problem so far.


Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:58 pm
by keniv

Thanks for that. Have not been using it for long but I haven't found anything wrong with it either. It seems much like Busterdog so far. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by that.



Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:42 pm
by fredx181


Can I ask does the above mean I should expect a lot of things not to work, a bit like an alpha release, or does it mean something different?

More like a beta release, I'd say, some programs may need improvement, but in practice it's fine from what I experienced.
Debian brings out a 'stable' release every 2 years, in that time all software needs to be thoroughly tested (in the 'testing' branch, now 'bookworm') before it will be marked as 'stable'.

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:33 pm
by keniv

Thanks for expanding the explanation. I've used it a little bit more over this afternoon and everything I've tried seems to be working.



English live cd iso and Chinese language packs for Bookworm Build script

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:34 am
by icake

A. Live CD:
Based on the script mklive-bookworm released on Feb 01, 2022, I have created these 9 debiandog bookworm live cd isoes:

64 bit system:
chromedog desktop: DL64_bookworm-chromedog.20220201.iso
obdog desktop: DL64_bookworm-obdog.20220201.iso
mate desktop: DL64_bookworm-mate.20220201.iso
tint2 desktop: DL64_bookworm-tint2.20220201.iso
xfce4 desktop: DL64_bookworm-xfce4.20220201.iso

32 bit system:
obdog desktop: DL32_bookworm-obdog.20220201.iso
mate desktop: DL32_bookworm-mate.20220201.iso
tint2 desktop: DL32_bookworm-tint2.20220201.iso
xfce4 desktop: DL32_bookworm-xfce4.20220201.iso

B. Half-Chinese language packs
For these live CD isoes, I have created 4 Half-Chinese debs:

64 bit:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-121.6.1.deb (18 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (33 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (9 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (8 mb)

32 bit:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx32_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-120.6.0.deb (18 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (33 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (9 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (8 mb)

C. Chinese language packs
2 Chinese language debs were also created for 7 of these 9 isoes:

64 bit Simplified Chinese:
chromedog desktop: DL64_bookworm_chromedog_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (3 mb)
obdog desktop: DL64_bookworm_obdog_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (3 mb)
tint2 desktop: DL64_bookworm_tint2_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (3 mb)
xfce4 desktop: DL64_bookworm_xfce4_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (3 mb)

64 bit Traditional Chinese:
chromedog desktop: DL64_bookworm_chromedog_20220201-zhhk-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
obdog desktop: DL64_bookworm_obdog_20220201-zhhk-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
tint2 desktop: DL64_bookworm_tint2_20220201-zhhk-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
xfce4 desktop: : DL64_bookworm_xfce4_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (3 mb)

32 bit Simplified Chinese:
obdog desktop: DL32_bookworm_obdog_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
tint2 desktop: DL32_bookworm_tint2_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
xfce4 desktop: DL32_bookworm_xfce4_20220201-zhcn-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)

32 bit Traditional Chinese:
obdog desktop: DL32_bookworm_obdog_20220201-zhhk-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
tint2 desktop: DL32_bookworm_tint2_20220201-zhhk-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)
xfce4 desktop: DL32_bookworm_xfce4_20220201-zhhk-121.6.1.deb (2 mb)

To use:
(i) any half-Chinese language deb will enable you to display and input Chinese in these isoes. Please use the 121.6.1 debs for 64 bit systems and 120.6.0 debs for 32 bit systems.

(ii) the name+version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn deb) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk deb) menus, icon labels, tooltips for these live cd isoes. Please note that all Chinese language debs rely on a suitable half-Chinese language deb already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

More information about these debs can be found in a pdf user guide written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

All the above files (including the scipt mklive-bookworm, English live cd isoes, half-Chinese and Chinese debs and pdf user guide) can be downloaded from here: ... e_bookworm

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:27 am
by darry19662018 ... 4-UEFI.iso

Used this iso above. Compaq cq61 - this thing boots quickly which is amazing as it has a 5 series kernel. Thanks Fred.

Bookworm Build script with built-in Chinese input platform

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:11 pm
by icake

Further to my posting about the creation of half-Chinese and Chinese debs for the Linux script mklive-bookworm on Feb 28, 2022, I have created 24 live cds with built-in Chinese input platform based on the DebLive Bookworm obdog desktop live cd.

A. 8 English live cds with Chinese input platforms: (uploaded here: ... ve_CD_eng/)
64 bit:
fcitx input platform: DLBw64_obdog_fcitx_eng_20220201.iso
ibus input platform: DLBw64_obdog_ibus_eng_20220201.iso
scim input platform: DLBw64_obdog_scim_eng_20220201.iso
yong input platform: DLBw64_obdog_yong_eng_20220201.iso

32 bit:
fcitx input platform: DLBw32_obdog_fcitx_eng_20220201.iso
ibus input platform: DLBw32_obdog_ibus_eng_20220201.iso
scim input platform: DLBw32_obdog_scim_eng_20220201.iso
yong input platform: DLBw32_obdog_yong_eng_20220201.iso

B. 8 Simplified Chinese live cds with input platforms: (uploaded here: ... d_Chinese/)
64 bit:
fcitx input platform: DLBw64_obdog_fcitx_zhcn_20220201.iso
ibus input platform: DLBw64_obdog_ibus_zhcn_20220201.iso
scim input platform: DLBw64_obdog_scim_zhcn_20220201.iso
yong input platform: DLBw64_obdog_yong_zhcn_20220201.iso

32 bit:
fcitx input platform: DLBw32_obdog_fcitx_zhcn_20220201.iso
ibus input platform: DLBw32_obdog_ibus_zhcn_20220201.iso
scim input platform: DLBw32_obdog_scim_zhcn_20220201.iso
yong input platform: DLBw32_obdog_yong_zhcn_20220201.iso

C. 8 Traditional Chinese live cds with input platforms: (uploaded here: ... l_Chinese/)
64 bit:
fcitx input platform: DLBw64_obdog_fcitx_zhhk_20220201.iso
ibus input platform: DLBw64_obdog_ibus_zhhk_20220201.iso
scim input platform: DLBw64_obdog_scim_zhhk_20220201.iso
yong input platform: DLBw64_obdog_yong_zhhk_20220201.iso

32 bit:
fcitx input platform: DLBw32_obdog_fcitx_zhhk_20220201.iso
ibus input platform: DLBw32_obdog_ibus_zhhk_20220201.iso
scim input platform: DLBw32_obdog_scim_zhhk_20220201.iso
yong input platform: DLBw32_obdog_yong_zhhk_20220201.iso

Re: Bookworm Build script with built-in Chinese input platform

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:16 pm
by fredx181

Hi @icake ,

Further to my posting about the creation of half-Chinese and Chinese debs for the Linux script mklive-bookworm on Feb 28, 2022, I have created 24 live cds with built-in Chinese input platform based on the DebLive Bookworm obdog desktop live cd.

Wow ! You put a lot of effort in creating all these ISO's with chinese translation.

Just to report, some ISO'S contain files with a '.' (dot) at the end: (e.g. readme files and weeinst) where it shouldn't.

2022-03-07-155956_498x263_scrot.png (32.99 KiB) Viewed 33594 times

Also "vmlinuz1." :

2022-03-07-160306_419x201_scrot.png (22.04 KiB) Viewed 33594 times

The latter I didn't notice at first and booting failed, renamed to vmlinuz1 and booted fine to Desktop chinese, obviously I can't read chinese, but looks like you did a great job.

Bookworm Build script (testing) - Chinese language support

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:20 pm
by icake

Just to report, some ISO'S contain files with a '.' (dot) at the end: (e.g. readme files and weeinst) where it shouldn't.

fredx181, thanks for pointing this out. Although all 24 live cds booted successfully in my pre-release tests, I have created a new set of 24 live cd files with no dot at the end of the file names. The old live cds have been removed from my public sharing folders and new ones uploaded.

May I use this opportunity to thank you for creating the mklive-bookworm script. The DebianDog Bookworm live cds created by the mklive-bookworm script is one of the most user friendly linux live cd system as far as Chinese language support is concern. That is why I have selected it out of more than 1,000 linux systems I have worked on so far to create 24 live cds with Chinese language support. I look forward to see more excellent releases from you.

Re: Bookworm Build script (testing)

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:42 pm
by dancytron

I've started experimenting with this.

Has anyone tried to set up a systemd/pulse audio/whatever else is the new mainstream (not wayland, I don't want to go there) version yet?

I think that might be my little project...