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How to install Qt5 via command line?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:01 pm
by wdx12


I managed to install Qt Creator but I think I'm actually missing Qt5?
Not being shown in kits?

How does one install QT5 via command line in PuppyLinux

Re: QT5 how to install via command line

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:39 am
by mikeslr

@ rockedge/moderator. Please move this post to the User's Section. This Section is supposed to be for Instructions and tips, not questions.
@ wdx12 READ THIS POST, viewtopic.php?t=218. Only my mother could read minds; and she died years ago. Always tell us which fricken Puppy. There are over 5,000 of them.
And tell us EXACTLY How did you install Qt Creator? starting with where did you get it.
And why 'command line'? Missing libraries may be available via Puppy Package Manager. If not, they can usually be downloaded using a Web-browser after following links from to them.
Do you know how to file-browse to an application's binary and use listDD (list dynamic dependencies) to find out what's missing?

Re: QT5 how to install via command line

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:45 am
by mikewalsh

Moved from "Instructional How-to section: Install" to "Users".

More appropriate location.

@wdx12 :- Puppy doesn't tend to install stuff via the command-line. You used to using Synaptic & stuff?

We sometimes install the odd item via the terminal, though this is not common; most will come from either the PPM, the "Additional Software" section here, or places like /ubuntu/pool/ or, as t'other Mike says.

Qt5 can almost always be found via the PPM, which will be reading the repos of the pup's 'parent' distro.....thus, you will have the tried & tested version of Qt5 that ships with the 'parent'. It won't necessarily be the very newest, mind you; remember that most major Puppies tend to be based on LTS releases, meaning "stable", as opposed to "bleeding-edge".

@mikeslr :- Why command-line? Maybe for the same reason I used to do this myself, Mike; it was a darned sight quicker to install stuff from the terminal in Ubuntu or Mint with "sudo apt-get install" than it was to struggle with Synaptic's unfathomable GUI. :roll: (I never could get the hang of Synaptic, but "sudo apt-get, etc", gave you the same back-end functionality, especially if you already knew what you wanted to install.)

Mike. ;)

Re: QT5 how to install via command line

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:17 am
by rockedge
wdx12 wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:01 pm

How does one install QT5 via command line in PuppyLinux?

In a terminal:

Code: Select all

pkg repo-update
pkg add qt5-default

Re: QT5 how to install via command line

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:21 am
by mikewalsh
rockedge wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:17 am
wdx12 wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:01 pm

How does one install QT5 via command line in PuppyLinux?

In a terminal:

Code: Select all

pkg repo-update
pkg add qt5-default

Heh. I keep forgetting about pkg....(you can tell I don't use it very often, can't you? :oops: )

Merry Xmas!

Mike. ;)

Re: QT5 how to install via command line

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:26 am
by rockedge

@mikewalsh And A very Merry Christmas to you!

Remember to check:

Code: Select all

pkg help

Code: Select all

root# pkg help


These options MUST go before (or after) all other commands:

 --ask|-a                   ask before doing stuff (give as 1st option)
 --quiet|-q                 suppress some output, like download progress
 --force |-f                force downloading, installing and uninstalling
 --no-colour|-nc            disable ANSI colours in pkg output


These commands can be used with the options above, but not each other:

 search|s [SEARCH]          search all package info in CURRENT repo
 search-all|sa [SEARCH]     search all package info in ALL repos

 names|n [PKGNAME]          list package name matches in the CURRENT repo
 names-all|na [PKGNAME]     list package name matches in ALL repos

 add|a PKGNAME              download & install matching package and deps
 remove|rm PKGNAME          uninstall a package and any left over deps

 get|g PKGNAME              alias of add (see the command above)
 get-only|go PKGNAME        same as get, but don't install
 download|d PKGNAME         download a package from CURRENT repo
 install|i PKGNAME          install a downloaded package
 install-all|ia             install all downloaded packages
 update|pu [PKGNAME]        update all matching installed packages
 extract|unpack PKGFILE     extract package contents into folder
 split PKGFILE              split a package into DEV, DOC, NLS packages

 deps|e PKGNAME             install dependencies of matching package
 deps-download|ed PKGNAME   only download dependencies, no install
 deps-all|ea                install dependencies of all installed packages
 deps-check|ldd             prints message about missing dependencies

 uninstall|u PKGNAME        uninstall a package
 uninstall-all|ua           uninstall all installed packages
 delete|l PKGNAME           delete a downloaded package
 delete-all|la              delete ALL downloaded packages

 blacklist PKGNAME          ignore a package, so it doesnt get installed
 whitelist PKGNAME          remove a package from the blacklist

 clean [PKGNAME]            delete downloaded pkg files of installed pkgs
 autoclean [yes|no]         auto delete pkg files after download+install

 list-downloaded|ld [PKG]   list downloaded packages, PKGNAME is a filter
 list-installed|li|LI [PKG] list installed packages, PKGNAME is a filter
 list-builtins|lb [PKG]     list builtin packages, PKG is a filter
 list-deps|le|LE PKGNAME    list the dependencies of PKGNAME

 build-list|pbl [PKG]       list all build scripts, PKGNAME is optional
 build|pb PKG               build a PET package from source and install it
 pkg-combine|pc PKG         build a new package containing PKGNAME + deps
 sfs-combine|sc PKG         build a new SFS file containing PKGNAME + deps
 repack|pr PKG              build a .pet package from an installed package
 merge PKGNAME,PKGNAME,..   merge multiple packages into a single package

 status|ps|PS PKG           show package status (name, size, deps, etc)
 contents|c PKG             list the contents of a downloaded package
 entry|pe PKG               show package repo entry (if in current repo)
 installed|pi PKG           return true if package installed, false if not

 all-pkgs                   list details of all packages in CURRENT repo
 names-exact|ne [PKG]       list EXACT package name matches in CURRENT repo
 names-exact-all|nea [PKG]  list EXACT package name matches in ALL repos

 what-needs|wn PKGNAME      lists pkgs that depend on PKGNAME
 which|w FILENAME           find out which pkg FILENAME comes from
 which-repo|wr PKG          find out which repo PKG comes from

 repo|r [REPONAME]          set repo to use, show current repo if none given
 repo-info|ri REPONAME      display the name, and other info of CURRENT repo
 repo-update|ru [REPONAME]  update the current repo package list
 repo-list|rl               list names of all available repositories
 repo-file-list|rfl         list all available repository files
 repo-convert|rc FILE       convert repo files to pre/post Woof format

 add-repo                   add a Pkg, PPA, Ubuntu, Debian or Slackware repo
 rm-repo                    remove an installed repo
 dir2repo                   create a Puppy repo from a directory of packages
 add-source                 add a Puppy repo (needs repo file in ~/.packages/)
 update-sources             update the list of available repos

 repo-pkg-scope one|all     search pkgs in current repo (one), or all (all)
 repo-dep-scope one|all     search deps in current repo (one), or all (all)
 bleeding-edge no|yes       if yes, get latest pkg versions, from ANY repo
 rdep-check no|yes          get deps recursively (yes), or not (no)

 dir2pet DIR                create a pet package from a directory
 dir2sfs DIR                create an sfs package from a directory
 dir2tgz DIR                create a tar.gz file from a directory
 deb2pet DEBFILE            convert local deb file to a pet package
 pet2sfs PETFILE            convert local pet file to an sfs package
 pet2tgz PETFILE            convert local pet file to a tar.gz package
 pet2txz PETFILE            convert local pet file to a tar.xz package
 sfs2pet SFSFILE            convert local sfs file to a pet package
 tgz2pet TARFILE            convert local tar.gz|tgz file to PET
 txz2pet TXZFILE            convert local tar.xz|txz file to PET

 welcome                    print some useful cmds to help get started
 show-config                show current config, repo and search settings
 workdir                    set a new working directory. Default is ~/pkg/

 version|v                  show the version of this script

 help|h                     show this help information
 help-all|H                 show a full description, with added info
 usage [CMD]                show usage of CMD, or list available cmds
 examples|ex                show example command line usage of pkg
 func-list                  list all functions used in this program


 PKGRC    [~/.pkg/pkgrc]    the config file used by Pkg

 HIDE_INSTALLED [=false]    if true, ignore/hide installed packages
 HIDE_BUILTINS   [=true]    if true, ignore/hide builtin packages
 HIDE_USER_PKGS  [=true]    if true, ignore/hide user installed packages
 NO_ALIASES     [=false]    if true, ignore package name aliases in searches
 NO_INSTALL     [=false]    if true, skip installing of packages
 PKG_NO_COLOURS [=false]    if true, disable coloured output
 PKG_BLACKLIST  [=empty]    a space separated list of packages to ignore, 
                            which will be appended to the contents of

 When BUILDTOOL=buildpet in ~/.pkg/pkgrc (use with `pkg build` command):

 PKG_CONFIGURE  [='']       custom configure options fpr building packages
 PKG_CFLAGS     [='']       custom CFLAG options for buiding packages

Re: How to install Qt5 via command line?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:31 pm
by wdx12

Thanks Guys Merry Christmas.

I got new laptop so prepping new USB to boot. Now I have to figure a way around the UEFI stuff.

My old trusty NTFS/Boot/Puppy won't work. so got one cooking FAT32 but now capped at 2G
on the save_luks which kinda sucks.


Re: How to install Qt5 via command line?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 5:02 pm
by mikeslr

wdx12, you still haven't told us which Puppy. Rockedge's post requires pkg-cli, which might not be installed in you Puppy. If not, it's available, with instructions, from here: ... cf#p985531. See this post about how to deploy it, viewtopic.php?t=717.