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How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:47 pm
by 2dees

Lately xine has become kind of buggy. It was installed about 5 years ago on this machine and is probably an older version, but I need to remove it and replace it with what the PPM update shows as current. How do I remove it if the PPM's uninstall doesn't let me? I get the message that it can't be uninstalled because other file are dependent.

Re: how to remove xine from slacko 6.0

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:04 pm
by taersh

Why would there be a need to remove it before updating to the current version?
Why not just updating?

Re: how to remove xine from slacko 6.0

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:43 pm
by 2dees

Answering a question with a question isn't helpful.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:14 am
by Flash

I suppose taersh is trying to say that maybe an updated version of Xine won't be so buggy.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:03 am
by 2dees

OK, I thought that this was the place to come for help. Never mind.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:43 am
by Wiz57

I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but I was under the impression that updating an installed
program via PPM would replace the previous version's files, sort of like uninstalling the older version
first then installing newer??? Someone with more detailed use experience with PPM might weigh in here...
I just go by what I've seen in message boxes while PPM does its things.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:36 pm
by one
Wiz57 wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:43 am

I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but I was under the impression that updating an installed
program via PPM would replace the previous version's files, sort of like uninstalling the older version
first then installing newer??? Someone with more detailed use experience with PPM might weigh in here...
I just go by what I've seen in message boxes while PPM does its things.

That's what @taersh suggested - packed in a question, what the OP disliked ...


Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:40 pm
by OscarTalks

The messages you are reporting do seem strange. Perhaps it might help if you could post screenshots of anything you are seeing, plus details of your installed xine package(s). The only thing I can think of is that xine is 2 packages, xine-ui and xine-lib. Since xine-ui depends on xine-lib, if you try to uninstall xine-lib first, the package manager may alert you that it is needed by xine-ui. Otherwise, if you uninstall in the correct order, the Package manager should not prevent you from uninstalling.

Folk here almost always try to be as helpful as possible. Please try to remember that others are often running different Puppy versions and they (we) can not see everything that you are seeing.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:05 pm
by 2dees

"I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but I was under the impression that updating an installed
program via PPM would replace the previous version's files, sort of like uninstalling the older version
first then installing newer??? Someone with more detailed use experience with PPM might weigh in here...
I just go by what I've seen in message boxes while PPM does its things.

Thanks for addressing my question. PPM seems to have changed the way this has been displayed since the recent update I did to get the current version. Before the update, PPM would display what packages were already installed. Now it displays a list of packages that may or may not be what I wanted. I actually installed the Xine ui that was shown as being current, and now the fullscreen includes the taskbar, which isn't good for viewing the video playback window. I thought that maybe the older version needed to be removed, or the libraries that serve the old version were interfering, still PPM doesn't show the newer ui as being installed, though I did install it.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:12 pm
by 2dees

"Since xine-ui depends on xine-lib, if you try to uninstall xine-lib first, the package manager may alert you that it is needed by xine-ui. Otherwise, if you uninstall in the correct order, the Package manager should not prevent you from uninstalling."

PPM is not allowing the removal of either the ui or the libraries, giving the same message.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:49 pm
by Wiz57

Is there a pressing need to stay with Slacko 6.0? The reason I ask, Xine relies on libraries from other
packages, such as FFMPEG, and Slacko 6.0 might not have compatible libraries with an updated Xine.
Depending on your hardware, and installation method, you might be better served with a tad newer
Slacko. The last one of the "6" series I used was 6.3.2, which I still have frugally installed on this old
netbook, but run it very seldom now as the libraries required to get a decent web browsing experience
just aren't available. Not sure which Xine version is in 6.3.2, but it might be more to your satisfaction.
For more recommendations, can you list what your computer's specifications are? Like amount of RAM,
CPU, etc. There were some ScPup 32 bit releases that could possibly offer decent results. Also, I used
one of the early Slacko 7 Release Candidates that performed pretty well, could possibly be coerced into
making it available for download if not still in an archive.
Wiz ;)

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:00 pm
by 2dees

Slacko 6.0 is the most stable on the old machines I run. I'm intending to download 7.0 and give it a try, but I like slacko better than the other puppy versions I tried before settling on slacko. Anyway, I read up on xine settings and have gotten the fullscreen issue settled. I'm going to call this one fixed for now. Thanks, everybody.

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:38 pm
by perdido
2dees wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:47 pm

Lately xine has become kind of buggy. It was installed about 5 years ago on this machine and is probably an older version, but I need to remove it and replace it with what the PPM update shows as current. How do I remove it if the PPM's uninstall doesn't let me? I get the message that it can't be uninstalled because other file are dependent.

I'm not familiar with slacko 6.0 but there should be a packages directory in one of the following places
/root/.packages (note the dot in front of "packages"

Those directories keep records of what you have installed via *package-name*.files records, which are text files.
Probably there will be a file named something like xine-xxx.files (or whatever package you are looking for)
Open that file as a text file, it will show where all the files for the package were installed to.
If the package is smallish then there will be few files to chase down and delete.
If the package is large there could be many files to chase down and delete.

Posted this to answer your original question since it was never answered.


Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:20 am
by 2dees

"Posted this to answer your original question since it was never answered."

Thank you. That seems to get to the bottom of the removal process. I'll look into that and if the library files (which should be the most extensive) are simple to delete, I could do that, or I might just do a clean reinstall of the o/s if it looks like I'll be chasing too many files.

Regards, Edd

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:33 am
by bigpup

The version of PPM you are using could be part of the problem.
What version is it?
There has been a lot of improvements to PPM over the last few years.

Also Slacko 6.0 was a beta release for bug fixing and testing.
It was not the finished Slacko 6 series version.
The final finished release version was Slacko 6.3.2

Re: How to remove xine from slacko 6.0?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:15 am
by 2dees

The PPM says v2. I have 6.0 frugalled on several machines, mainly my Dell 780s. On the Dell Optiplex 780's mainboard it's Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz, with 4gig memory. I've been reading the threads on the slacko 7.0, which is what I thought was the final edition. I'll also look at 6.3.2 and I may install 7.0 on one of my Optiplex 780 machines to see how it does.

Mick has done some very helpful work for users of these older machines. Slacko 6.0 has been stable on the 780 I'm using now, and all I use this one for is web surfing and CD/DVD playback and burning. My 780 is much faster than my wife's Win10 w/16gig RAM, but that isn't surprising to anyone who uses a Puppy distro.

Thanks for joining in here.