FileZilla I can't use USB in my router AlcatelLucent I.240W.Q router

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FileZilla I can't use USB in my router AlcatelLucent I.240W.Q router

Post by soniabu »

Hi everyone.
I would like to use a features of this old router that has two USB with Filezilla.
As allowed by the router (after inserting a pen in the USB1:
a) I activated an FTP server - zero photo;
b) Filezilla Start and Connection - photo one
c) attempt to create a directory named Cinzia - Photo 2;
d) Attempt to move a photo.png from /TMP - Photo 3
As b) and c) with error.
This identical behavior also takes place with GFTP.
If anyone had experience in this regard, could I suggest a way? I looked for some advice on the net but the case history is very vast and I don't know how to collect myself :?
As always a great thank you Sonia





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