Necessary basic QT6 libraries for average QT6 apps? [SOLVED]

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Necessary basic QT6 libraries for average QT6 apps? [SOLVED]

Post by geo_c »

As per my post on running Double Commander-portableQT6 in Airedale and Spectr here: viewtopic.php?t=14080

I'm following up.

It seems in Airedale, QT6-core and QT6-network along with one or two other QT6 libs were already installed on the system after all.

I went ahead and installed QT6-base since DoubleCommander wasn't launching from QT6-core. After that it still didn't launch, but after installing QT6-printsupport-6.8.2_1, Double Commander booted right up.

So my only question is what should the baseline QT6 libraries be to run the majority of average QT6 applications?

Or is really a matter of each application?

Last edited by geo_c on Sat Mar 29, 2025 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Necessary basic QT6 libraries for average QT6 apps?

Post by Jasper »


What are planning to do?

I will use Qt5 as an example.

The base source file is


then you have submodules which need to be compiled for the type of application that you are building.

submodules.jpeg (155.32 KiB) Viewed 140 times

So, the compiler will tell you which modules are required when it fails to build.

This is for Qt6.8

If you start your application in terminal it should spit out the errors and you can then add the modules required.

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Re: Necessary basic QT6 libraries for average QT6 apps?

Post by geo_c »

Jasper wrote: Mon Mar 24, 2025 8:37 pm

So, the compiler will tell you which modules are required when it fails to build.

This is for Qt6.8

If you start your application in terminal it should spit out the errors and you can then add the modules required.

I'm not actually building any packages.

I'm really just asking about running typical QT6 applications. I needed to install QT6-printsupport-6.8.2_1 in order to run DoubleCommander-portable-qt6 for instance. That's what got me wondering what is the standard set of modules that should be present on the system to run most stuff.

But it's more likely you just have to run an application and see what's missing then install what's missing per application, or else install every qt-lib available and bloat the system.

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Re: Necessary basic QT6 libraries for average QT6 apps?

Post by bigpup »

But it's more likely you just have to run an application and see what's missing then install what's missing per application

Welcome to Linux software! :roll: :welcome:

That is normal, if the program was not compiled for the specific Linux OS, or to work on many different versions of Linux.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Necessary basic QT6 libraries for average QT6 apps?

Post by norgo »


this depends on distribution
I do it just like openSuSE

openSuSE libqt6base package contains:

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