protonvpn and ipv6

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protonvpn and ipv6

Post by wognath »

I occasionally use protonvpn via openvpn. Recently at my in-laws' house, the vpn was ineffective. I think their Kolbi router only assigns ipv6 address by default. The official protonvpn app shuts off ipv6, but it only runs on distros with systemd. It took a while on DuckDuckGo to find the following, so I post it in hope it saves someone some time.

Code: Select all

echo 1 | tee /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/[interface]/disable_ipv6
openvpn --config "us-free-####-protonvpn.tcp.ovpn" --dev tun 

Wifi interface name from ifconfig (wlan2 in my case)
confirmed vpn connected, ipv6 not detected with
echo 0 to get ipv6 back

Fatdog 814

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