ScreenCapSuite_noarch - complete Puppy-native screen capture suite in 'portable' format...

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ScreenCapSuite_noarch - complete Puppy-native screen capture suite in 'portable' format...

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, gang.

I only got the idea for this last night. It kept me awake most of the night, too, 'cos I couldn't put it out of my head & settle down..... :roll:

I've been helping Fred modify and improve the new Take A Cast! screen capture app. This is a further refinement to his already inspired Take A Gif! modification on JakeSFR's original Take A Shot! screenie app. Most Puppians are probably familiar with the last two by now; the former is pretty new ATM.

Take A Cast! has been deliberately packed in portable format. Looking over the contents of both Take A Cast! and Take A Gif! last night, I couldn't help noticing how many components they shared in common between them......the only real main difference was some of the scripts. So; a plan began to hatch.....combine Take A Gif! and Take A Cast! together in one app, and if possible add Take A Shot! into the mix as well. They ALL require ffmpeg on the system anyway, so.....

Turned out to be fairly straight-forward. So, mes amis; here, for your delectation (and convenience) is


......a complete suite of Puppy-native screen capture apps, combined together in a single portable application of around 100 kb. Most Puppies come with ffmpeg, and by now the older, feature-poor troublesome versions of ffmpeg are well and truly in Puppy's past. Current builds are miles better - and nowhere near as stripped-back - as those of yesteryear.

Each app's config file remains within the portable at all times.


Credits must go to JakeSFR and members of the FatDog team for the original (Take A Shot!), and latterly to Fred for his inspired modifications.

The stand-alone Take A Shot! can be found here:- viewtopic.php?t=7295
The stand-alone Take A Gif! can be found here:- viewtopic.php?p=67953
The stand-alone Take A Cast! can be found here:- viewtopic.php?t=14020


EDIT:- 23-03-25 : Changed the app's name, re-jigged the Menu entry stuff to suit and slightly modified the launcher GUI.

For anyone interested, I've attached it below.

As always:-

  • Download

  • Unzip

  • Move the portable directory wherever ya want. Normally I recommend outside the save, but this thing is so tiny you please yourselves where it goes!

  • It's packed as a ROX-app, so a click on the directory launches it, giving you a mini-launch 'selector' in order to choose what you want to use...

Rt-clk -> Look Inside... will give access to the now-standard MenuAdd/Remove scripts. So; there ya go. Hope some of you may find it useful...

Mike. ;)

ScreenCapSuite_noarch-portable.....a complete suite of Puppy-native screen capture apps, comprising Take A Shot!, Take A GIF!, and the new Take A Cast! All in a single, portable package...
(100.04 KiB) Downloaded 9 times
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