If you're want to run a Windows programs under Wine, than before you drive yourself nuts you should first check whether anyone has reported successfully doing so. Open a web browser to https://www.winehq.org/
and type the name of that program in the Search box at the Top-Right. A Window will open displaying reported information, if any, about the Searched-program.
The successes/failures of portable-Windows program are NOT recorded at WineHQ. Sometimes portables will function when installed versions fail. Wine's registry is not identical to Windows, and portables run without having to write to such registries.
The following is a pretty extensive list, with links, of portable Windows programs: http://www.lupopensuite.com/bestapps.htm This is not assurance that a listed program will function under Wine. But if it doesn't you don't have a mess to clean up. Just delete that programs folder. And if the portable doesn't function, good luck in getting the 'installed' version to.