bigphil "When you stated Mike's Wine-portable is 'multi-arch' were you referring to Mike Walsh as the portable I'm using is the one created by you." I take it you mean me, i.e. mikeslr the publiisher of wine-portable-3.3, viewtopic.php?p=279#p279, which is an upgrade using the system developed by shinobar and the Japanese Team.
Keep in mind that those systems are exclusively 32bit. They can never run 64-bit Window programs.
See my post here, ... 7d#p979604
Under this system the command to 'call' wine is
So, the Exec line in /usr/share/applications/Explorer.desktop should read: explorer.
What I wrote previously about the need to provide the full path for programs NOT BUILT-IN also applies to these 'old-school' wine-portables. But there's a couple of other things you'll need to know:
To run ANY 32-bit LINUX application on a 64-bit Linux Puppy you must FIRST obtain and SFS-Load THAT Puppy's 32-bit compatibility SFS. You can download F96's from here, ... 21veEQ7_Qg.
After downloading the 32-bit Compatibility.sfs, you use Menu>Setup>SFS-Load on the fly to load it. [Alternatively, right-click the SFS and choose SFS-load from the pop-up menu]. Having sfs-loaded it, open a terminal/console and type the following command:
The first letter in the above is a 'small' sounds-like "EL" -- neither an i/I nor the number 1.
It should take some time for the ldconfig command to do its job. The compatibility SFS is almost an entire operating system. The ldconfig command creates links between it and your 64-bit operating system. If the terminal's command prompt reappears immediately, there's a good chance the command didn't take. Do it again.
Only after you've established the 32-bit system can you SFS-Load the 'old-school' Wine-portable.sfs.
One issue with the 'old-school' Wine & Wine.sfs is that the 32-bit 'prefix' is created @ /root. And /root always occupies/requires the use of RAM. Which is why T'other Mike and I developed a recipe of 'Externalizing' it. viewtopic.php?p=335#p335
The 'old-school' was great to have when there wasn't an easier alternative. Mikewalsh's portables are such easier alternatives. My recommendation is to SFS-(un)Load 'my' portable and make use of Mikewalsh's instead. Personally, his 5.11 version from here, ... b64#p68191 runs all the Window programs I ever need. The 4.0.4 version from the same link can only run 32-bit Windows programs. I haven't yet had a reason to try his more recent builts which make use of more recent versions of Wine.
Edit, I just tried Mike's Wine_9.20-portable (still available from the Link, even though the post doesn't indicate that), ... drive_link. It also works well.