Chromecast 2nd generation bricking problem
There have been occasional news headlines of a variety of devices
no longer able to work because their maker no longer is in business
or their maker's server does not work at this time.
In the news this week is that Google's 2nd generation Chromecast is now showing
an error message and no longer casting (displaying video on a TV)!
(Note: Google has discontinued its Chromecast line of digital media
players, generations 1, 2 and 3 on August 6, 2024.)
"On March 9, the older Chromecast generation 2 and Chromecast Audio devices stopped
working due to an expired device authentication certificate authority that made them untrusted by Google's apps. While unofficial apps like VLC continue to function, Google's fix
will require either updating client apps to bypass the issue or replacing the expired certificates, a process that could take weeks; however, Google has since announced it is beginning a gradual rollout of a fix." ... y#comments
If anyone has even a little interest in that issue, there are some (not from Google)
recovery techniques (using Android ADB or adding a certificate) that may be interesting to read about: ... n/mgy1a88/
For example, apparently VLC can cast dispite the expired device
authentication certificate issue.
(I haven't used VLC myself but I will now try it for a few things on my own generation 1 Chromecast.)
edit: Re: Google's official Chromecast (2nd gen) fixes:
Following last week’s 2nd gen fix for most users, Google is now rolling out a Chromecast (2nd gen) and Chromecast Audio fix for those that factory reset their Cast streaming devices.
(This is a second part of the Google fix for 2nd generation Chromecast users who tried a "factory reset" on the Google Home app themselves before getting Google first fix.) ... reset-fix/
Another unrelated device issue: If iRobot goes bust, what happens to your Roomba?
"The company is reporting major financial problems and an uncertain future.
... And will your Roombas continue to function?" ... ur-roomba/