I've been going through some DVDs and ripping them to add to my Plex server. I wanted to have several options as backends to do the ripping because I tend to have problems relying on one program. This package has a command line script named dvd2mkv that you can use but also a yad front-end. You need to have yad, lsdvd, and ffmpeg installed and at least one of the following... HandBrakeCLI dvdbackup mplayer mpv vobcopy makemkvcon. I've always leaned towards vobcopy in the past but it seems to have issues at times extracting a specific title so HandBrakeCLI has been my go to program lately.
ydvd2mkv allows you to choose your back end ripper and then select your encoding options. The audio (all streams) and subtitles (if they exist) will be copied and the video will be encoded to the output mkv (chapters will also be retained). You will be prompted to select whichever titles you want to rip (each title will be it's own mkv file).