ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

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ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by plinej »

I've been going through some DVDs and ripping them to add to my Plex server. I wanted to have several options as backends to do the ripping because I tend to have problems relying on one program. This package has a command line script named dvd2mkv that you can use but also a yad front-end. You need to have yad, lsdvd, and ffmpeg installed and at least one of the following... HandBrakeCLI dvdbackup mplayer mpv vobcopy makemkvcon. I've always leaned towards vobcopy in the past but it seems to have issues at times extracting a specific title so HandBrakeCLI has been my go to program lately.

ydvd2mkv allows you to choose your back end ripper and then select your encoding options. The audio (all streams) and subtitles (if they exist) will be copied and the video will be encoded to the output mkv (chapters will also be retained). You will be prompted to select whichever titles you want to rip (each title will be it's own mkv file).

(279.36 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by greengeek »

Interesting - thanks.

So far I have succeeded with one DVD, failed with another - and have also made some progress with getting specific vobs off a third DVD that has previously beaten me totally.

Will do more testing to see if I can learn to drive this utility to best advantage.

(Testing on a cutdown Fossa64 9.5 here - had to load lsdvd from PPM)

My system has vobcopy on board - do you have any tips where I could find handbrake cli?? Would you expect it to be available in PPM?
EDIT - never mind the question - I see that handbrake is available in my PPM. Will compare results with that loaded.


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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by greengeek »

I have a couple of tips to offer:
- The speed of the rip/convert seems to be about 1:1 (ie: ripping&converting takes as long as watching the video). At least that is what seems to be the case on my hardware.
- When you see the list of vobs to rip I think it is a good idea to select only one at a time. Maybe choose the longest one.

Pretty happy with this utility. Working well!

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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by plinej »

@greengeek speeds will definitely depend on your hardware. This program will obviously take longer than just a straight rip because it's also converting the mpeg2 (VOB) to your selected video codec for the mkv container. That being said, it's certainly faster than 1:1 on my computer. You can certainly select just one title, I don't want this program to just rip the longest title. If you're ripping a disc that's a TV series it will have multiple titles that will be of similar length. Maybe I'll consider not checking the box for a title that's less than say 5 minutes...

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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by greengeek »

plinej wrote: Thu Mar 27, 2025 10:05 am

I don't want this program to just rip the longest title. If you're ripping a disc that's a TV series it will have multiple titles that will be of similar length.

Good point. I just bought a bunch of DVDs from a charity shop and many of them are "TV series" so i guess they have multiple episodes. How do I decide which vob to rip?? I have no idea.

So far this utility is enabling me to grab the data off my DVDs - even ones that have eluded me previously - but I don't feel I understand the structure of the DVD data in order to grab the entire DVD contents. And I don't know if some vobs are identical but just different languages, or angles etc...
DVDs are very confusing.

Here is an example of the vobs on one of my DVDs:

Disc1_vobs.png (120.65 KiB) Viewed 142 times

And here is how ydvd2mkv sees them:

Disc1_rip_options.png (26.16 KiB) Viewed 142 times

I never know which vobs to select when ripping DVDs. Do you preview each vob somehow or do you just guess?

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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by plinej »

@greengeek, This program rips the titles not any specific VOB. A title could spread across multiple VOB files. Obviously in the example you posted (of my program), the first title is the movie and the remaining are DVD extras or warnings, menus, etc... I can probably add an option to display a selected title but to be honest, I just rip all titles and delete anything I don't want. I don't think there's any command line option that will display specific information as to what each title is.

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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by Jasper »


The YAD dialogue box displays the content duration ...... hours/mins/secs/millisecs

So, the first one has all the content.

If you just want the main contents just stick to VTS_01 .

Read the back of your DVD and it should inform you if it also contains additional content ie Interviews, Trailers etc.

This will be contained within VTS_02 & VTS_03

The attachment has some third party application current updates.

dvd-structure.webp (101.61 KiB) Viewed 114 times
Last edited by Jasper on Sun Mar 30, 2025 8:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by greengeek »

plinej wrote: Sat Mar 29, 2025 10:24 am

This program rips the titles not any specific VOB. A title could spread across multiple VOB files.

Thanks! I think I finally understand what I have been missing... I previously thought each vob was part of the whole video and had to be processed sequentially - even if it was a "foreign language subtitle" part of the video.
I have certainly found that this utility is more successful than my previous ripping efforts. Nice work!

Jasper wrote: Sat Mar 29, 2025 1:36 pm

The YAD dialogue box displays the content duration ...... hours/mins/secs/millisecs
So, the first one has all the content.

OK - so the largest "tltle" as shown in the yad dialogue - is the best one. (ie: not the largest vob as I previously thought...)


Great image and info. Thanks! Very useful.

If you just want the main contents just stick to VTS_01 .

Now this is confusing. Plinej has made the point that vobs are not where it's at - and that titles are the real deal. The webp image you posted suggested that it is the .ifo file that is critical - not the vob.
So - I need to stop trying to rip vobs and focus on .ifo. Plinej's utility helps me achieve this automatically - which may explain why I have previously had many failures with DVD ripping.

Read the back of your DVD and it should inform you if it also contains additional content ie Interviews, Trailers etc.
This will be contained within VTS_02 & VTS_03

Unfortunately my recent DVD purchases came without cases - so no imagery or information from the case insert. But great to understand that the extra info should be in 02 & 03 (but i assume that should be within .ifo 02 & 03 - not specifically the vobs 02 & 03)

Thanks guys - I feel my understanding is improving even though it is still very incomplete.
Making progress!!

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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by greengeek »

Jasper wrote: Sat Mar 29, 2025 1:36 pm

The attachment has some third party application current updates.

Thanks for the updated files. I have downloaded them and will possibly try them later. Are you suspecting that my current versions of those files may be causing me problems?
I do have (some version of) those libs onboard and plinej's utility (combined with my now improved understanding..) seem to be working for me.
(I did read somewhere about something called libdvdcss2 but maybe that is to do with the very latest dvd encyption??)

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Re: ydvd2mkv-0.1 yad dvd ripper

Post by Jasper »


I am using FP95 and the updates to the 'stock' applications built within.

Libdvdread,libdvdcss and libdvdnav are maintained by VLC.





Using Windows, I have only worked with IFO files using DGMPGDec and Virtual Dub.

The only Linux application that comes to mind which would use the IFO files is MakeMKV.

https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtop ... 264d48106b

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