Puppy friendly laser printers?

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Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »


This is a bit of a two part question but they are related.

I only seem to need to print every few months so when I do my old inkjet is always clogged up. Am I right in thinking that a B&W laser would be more reliable in this sort of usage?

Are there any makes or particular model ranges I could look out for second hand or refurb that should be easy to get printing from Puppy? Bionic or Xenial particularly though I could probably run others if needed.

Also, are there any makes to particularly avoid?

Thanks for any info.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by mikewalsh »

@Barkingmad :-

I'm going to keep an eye on this one myself. I don't print anywhere near what I once did, so I'm often in the same boat as you.....and I, too, have been thinking along the same lines; a basic, B & W laser printer (colour would be considered if the price was right). So I'll be curious to see what, if any, suggestions are forthcoming.....

Mike. :thumbup:

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by wizard »


Like you, don't print much anymore. Went to b/w laser printer long ago as inkjets were always clogged and overpriced refills. Also, the last time my copy machine had issues got rid of it and just use an old Canon scanner + printer to do copies. There are also some smartphone "scanners" that will work, they will auto crop and correct key-stoning, actually do pretty good job.

My choice for Linux lasers is Brother, best to not get "multi-function" models. Stay away from any manufacture like HP that require you to make an account and get auto refills or have a live internet connection in order to print.


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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by mikewalsh »

@wizard :-

I've just been looking at this one:-

https://www.pantum.uk/product-center/16 ... 16450.html

Several reviews have said that for a basic single-function mono laser printer, it doesn't get much better than this. It supports all Ubuntu-based releases from 12.04 to 20.04 - in other words, Precise up to Fossa. Which describes most of MY kennels!

It's around £90 on Amazon, but they're very sketchy on how the drivers install. Needs further research, methinks...

Don't want to end up with a doorstop.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by bigpup »

Like any added hardware that is going to need drivers.

It has to be able to use a Linux driver.

Try to find out if it has driver support for the Puppy version you are using.

Usually it will be identified by the Linux operating system the Puppy version is based on.

Bionicpup: ubuntu 18.04 bionic beaver

Xenialpup: ubuntu xenial xerus 16.04

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by greengeek »

My favourite approach to printing is to buy second hand Brother laser printers or MFC ("MultiFunctionCentre") for around $5 and then utilise the multi-model brlaser driver mentioned by p310don here:
He lists the Brother models known to work with this driver - but other models often work by selecting a close relative when you add the printer with CUPS.
(The txz format of the package he offers for download may not be suitable so I made a pet for Fossa64)

My .pet for Fossa64 is here:
- but I recommend it be tested without savefile first. (Have not tried Bionic or Xenial but I believe it should work)

Github project:

BrotherMultimodelPrintDriver.png (259.97 KiB) Viewed 1666 times


With regard to scanning - I sometimes get Brother inkjet printers that have clogged jets and can't print but will still scan ok. In those cases I can just load my "multi-model Brother scan pet".
Select "version 03" from this post:
https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 89#p136589
May not suit everybody as it also loads a nice little scan utility as well as the scanner drivers. (Does not attempt to load any print drivers)
(The scanner drivers work for both Laser or Inkjet machines - either MFC or DCP models)

5DollarPrinter.png (237.94 KiB) Viewed 1660 times
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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by d-pupp »

I purchased a new Brother a few years back. Black and white laser network capable. I used the keypad on the printer to give it a permeate ip address. Set it up using ipp printing and it works great. It even prints on both sides.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by rcrsn51 »

The github brlaser driver mentioned by greengeek and p310don is also available in some mainstream repos as the package "printer-driver-brlaser".

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »


I see there is a basic Brother for about the same money as the Pantum that I think might be supported by the open drivers p310don flagged up though I haven't had time to check properly.

More generally.
What about older HPs? Does anyone know when or with which model lines they started with the toner subs and "phone home" schemes?

Thanks so far.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »


I'm not good with Linux printing so sorry for asking the obvious.

If a printer make and model is in the pick lists in CUPS "add printer" should it work without having to find and get installed further drivers?

I find there are versions of the HPLIP driver package in the Puppy package manager from, in my case, the Ubuntu repos. Should these install and work OK? I ask as there are various mostly inconclusive threads about the forum about installing HPLIP and if can be got working seems to open a wide choice of printers.


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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by d-pupp »

If a printer make and model is in the pick lists in CUPS "add printer" should it work without having to find and get installed further drivers?

Yes it will work without adding anything.
In fact most printers I have had worked just fine for basic printing as long as the models are close. IE an older model driver will work for a newer printer.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by mouldy »

Barkingmad wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2025 10:02 am

I find there are versions of the HPLIP driver package in the Puppy package manager from, in my case, the Ubuntu repos. Should these install and work OK? I ask as there are various mostly inconclusive threads about the forum about installing HPLIP and if can be got working seems to open a wide choice of printers.

HP makes some of the HPLIP stuff as painful as possible. I was given a relatively new small entry level HP M209d laser printer (the one that is usb only), guess last fall. Lot people dont like usb only, personally I prefer it. Ok, no luck with Puppy. But figured well its supposed to work in linux, if anywhere should work on Ubuntu. Well didnt want to install Ubuntu, but do have Bodhi on one laptop that uses Ubuntu repositories. So updated it and then installed the HPLIP from repositories. It saw the printer, couldnt communicate with it. So downlloaded the absolute newest latest HPLIP pkg from the HP website and installed it. Installer script asked me if I wanted to remove the old HPLIP cause it may interfere. Yea. It did all that

It saw the printer and could print, but tell it in two places to print before it would do it. Not happiest about all the extra clicks. So shut laptop down, when I rebooted next day it just printed, apparently systemd took over on reboot. So it just works. I tried, Puppy doesnt have some cutting edge Python for that last HPLIP that was needed and it couldnt be installed. Bodhi had to be updated to lastest everything before it could do it. Lot Python stuff. Bodhi is in effect a cut down version Ubuntu. Its a nice little personal size printer by the way, meaning its relatively fast and does nice job, Just all this unnecessary HP nonsense built into it.

I dont print that much so having got it to work on linux of one sort or other, called it good enough. Oh by way still have my ancient HP Laserjet 4000. Last time I tried to use it, CUPS driver for it in Puppy didnt work, had to boot an old version Puppy from dvd, to get it to print. No idea why. Again I dont use it that often so just was happy enough getting it to print without worrying about why it wouldnt work in current Puppy.

Oh on the HP M209d, it uses the proprietary HP cartridges that are frankly way overpriced at two to three times price of the generic. But apparently one can remove some little chip from the proprietary cartridge and attach it to a generic cartridge and it will work. WTF? Is everybody THAT greedy, to try and force consumers to stay in their walled garden? I mean HP gotta be losing market share with this nonsense, they should make printers like that ancient HP Laserjet 4000. Those had a very loyal following, maybe one of best printers ever. Super reliable, great longevity, and none of this creepy phone home and only buy our consumable parts stuff. If HP cartridges are truly superior, then let the consumer decide, not big brother forcing it.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this HP M209d doesnt require an internet connection nor did I have to sign up to buy HP cartridges. No idea if thats just cause I did it with linux or if the windows driver setup does have more gotchas. I have zero interest ever using it with windows. If I hadnt been able to get it working in linux, would just given it to somebody else. Just be a door stop for me.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »



I thought I had thanked you for the warning over HP. I will avoid anything of theirs too new to be pre-installed in CUPS.

Next thought.

Has anyone any experience of Samsung -- I've seen a handy looking Xpress model probably about 6-7 years old. Support is now through the HP website but they seem to have there own "Universal Linux Driver". There is a user manual here that includes Linux installation instructions, does anyone think they might work in Puppy?


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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by p310don »

@Barkingmad Yes, I use a couple of Samsung printers, one of which is used multiple times daily for work. They're great. The Samsung ULD (Universal Linux Driver) is great, it just works. Despite having been taken over and killed off by HP, if you can find a working Samsung printer for a good price, they're well worth it.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by ozsouth »

I use Brother Mono lasers - run with laserjet 4 driver - works well, including double-sided (long side) printing. Usually not expensive too.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »

thanks Don -- that's the kind of feedback I like. I can put ant Samsungs I see on my shortlist as well as Brother.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by wizard »


Keep in mind that Samsung sold out to HP in 2016, make sure you can still get consumables for the model you buy.


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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »


Update time.

I now have a Brother HL-1112A on the way.

To "find printer" in CUPS I assume the printer needs to be conected (USB in this case) and on before opening the CUPS interface?

Brother have a .DEB driver package which they list as being for Ubuntu and related distros for download. Any opinions as to wether to try this or the "brlaser" package first?

Thanks again.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by greengeek »

Barkingmad wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 5:38 pm


Update time.

I now have a Brother HL-1112A on the way.

To "find printer" in CUPS I assume the printer needs to be conected (USB in this case) and on before opening the CUPS interface?

Brother have a .DEB driver package which they list as being for Ubuntu and related distros for download. Any opinions as to wether to try this or the "brlaser" package first?

Thanks again.

Doesn't matter too much although i would recommend trying the brlaser first as it is simpler than many of the Brother debs - but I strongly recommend NOT using any savefile when loading print drivers.

Without savefile it becomes easy to simply reboot the Puppy to clear out the files you have tried - and move on to the next method.

Once you have perfected your method then you can apply it into your Pup+savefile.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by d-pupp »

@Barkingmad It looks like a nice printer. I agree with @greengeek. Do you testing before you save anything.

There is also the ipp printing that talks directly to the printer for setup. No need for .deb or finding a print driver that works. It will work for both usb and network setups. However I have never done a usb setup. The network setup is very easy if you are interesting in testing it out.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »

Thanks to all


I might come back to you for more details on that if I need to. I don't have the printer yet, it's out with the couriers, so it might be the weekend before I get to try it out.

Hoping all goes well.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by Barkingmad »


I should follow this up to thank everyone who has helped.

My printer has now arrived and is printing :D

It is a Brother HL-1112 and I have used the "brlaser" open source driver package. I chose "HL-1110 series" in the CUPS model list which seems to work fine. Even Brother's own Linux driver files actually refer to the 1110 in the file names so the 1110 and 1112 must be the same under the casing.


I used your pet package of the brlaser drivers and it installed with no trouble in BionicPup.

Lastly, if anyone has used both, is there any significant difference in functionality between the free "brlaser" drivers and those that Brother offer for download? The Brother ones come in two parts with some rather complicated command line installation instructions so I would only attempt that if there is a big improvement to be had.

Thanks again, particularly to @greengeek for the driver pet

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by rcrsn51 »

Barkingmad wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 5:52 pm

Lastly, if anyone has used both, is there any significant difference in functionality between the free "brlaser" drivers and those that Brother offer for download?

IIRC, the vendor driver may include a few extra options that you probably don't need. There is no perceptible difference in the quality.

The big advantage of the github driver is that it can be compiled in 64bit. Some vendor drivers were only published in 32bit.

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Re: Puppy friendly laser printers?

Post by ndujoe2 »

I use a Brother HL L260DW printer without issues on many versions of puppy linux in cups I select the Brother HL-2250DN - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4 and use the Print info from the printer to locate the Http:// to associated the printer

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