USB drive read-only after rebooting Puppy Linux

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USB drive read-only after rebooting Puppy Linux

Post by LANdpLAN »

Trying to make file of something on a usb hard drive and with a program that starts with "P"... something and it froze.
I killed the process and rebooted.
now whenever I plug in the usb drive I get

Error saving pinboard /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin: Read-only filesystem

I was able to boot into Linux mint and read files but not write. I changed the permissions so now I can write to disk in Linux Lite but still have the same problem when I try to access it with puppy linux.

BWPUP 10.0.9 on persistent USB

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Re: Read-only filesystem

Post by fernan »

It seems your Puppy linux is reading the pupsave file (your actual session and preferences) from a read only filesystem, so it can read it but not write any changes.

If you was changing permissions with another Operative System, I'd try to boot a new session ignoring previous pupsave files, and create a new pupsave file.

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Re: USB drive read-only after rebooting Puppy Linux

Post by bigpup »

BWPUP 10.0.9 on persistent USB

Is this the same drive you have BookwormPup64 10.0.9 installed on and try to boot it from?

That error seems to be a save file/folder access error.

Is the save on the drive you boot from?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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