@JusGellin :-
Heh. Y'know, very few - if any - of us actually come from a computer-centric or even technical background. Puppy is basically a "hobbyist" distro, and for most of us, that's exactly what all this is.......a hobby.
Oh, sure; many of us have in all likelihood had an interest in this stuff for years.....my own interest dates right back to the late 70s/early 80s (around the time I left school), when the "home computer revolution" first kicked off in earnest. That in itself tells you something else about me.....and that's my age. Which is the same sort of age group as many others here, and means that a lot of us are semi-retired by now, if not fully retired. Which gives us lots more time to play!
Some of us are better at it than others. (Some are also considerably younger - I believe dimkr falls into this category - but then he's also much better at it than most of us!)
And then there's me. I don't take any of this seriously. I'm a bumbler. I potter about, messing around with odd bits of code.....every time I try and put summat together, I constantly amaze myself if & when I manage to make it work. My compiling skills are atrocious, my scripting is mediocre at best. Every time I open Geany, I massacre Bash. Seriously!
So why, you may ask, don't I try to improve my skills?
Haven't got the time, for one thing. Looking after a 91-yr old with heart problems, spinal arthritis and various other issues doesn't leave me a lot of "play-time". But i still keep coming back, and continue murdering Bash. You wanna know why?
'Cos it's FUN. Simple as that. And it gives me a break from real life.....
As for:-
JusGellin wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 11:56 am
You sure must have a lot of intelligence to be able to do this.
.....erm, well; OK. Nice of you to say so (though in my case, that's highly debatable!
) It has been said, at many different times and in many different places, that the average Linux user is usually of higher intelligence than the average Windows user. I have NO idea if there's any truth in that 'statement'. It seems rather dismissive, don't you think.....even vaguely 'elitist'? i mean, what do you even begin to base a statement like that ON?? And for anyone who makes such a statement, what gives them the right to make such off-hand remarks in the first place?
([*rant killed in its tracks...*] Nah, I'm not riding that 'hobby horse'! The seat's too uncomfortable....
Like I said above, for me it's just FUN. Pure & simple.