you could just use RUFUS and do an install to the SSD.
But it would be setup and work like installing to a USB stick.
Well the SSD would be faster.
But to really get good use of a SSD this is what I suggest.
Boot the computer with Vanilla dpup from the install on the USB stick.
Use programs running in it, to do the install.
Not sure if Vanilla dpup has the Frugalpup installer.
You can download and install it from here:
I use this installer program to do all installs to any type drive.
Here are the steps to using it:
It is a lot of steps and information, but I wrote this so you would know what to do, at each step of using the program.
It was written for USB stick installs, but the same procedure will work on any type drive.
The part about setting up the drive partitions and formatting them.
Do you know how to use Gparted program and partition and format the SSD?
It is not hard to do.
If you need help, ask.
If you want Windows 8.1 to be able to access the SSD.
You will need to make a partition it can use formatted ntfs.
Windows can not use or see ext formatted partitions.
Usually for that I do the two partitions.
One small fat32 format.
One ext4 format. (size is up to you)
But do not use all of the unallocated space on the drive.
Use the rest of the unallocated space to make a 3rd partition and format it ntfs.
Use this 3rd partition for Windows to use.
Vanilla dpup will be able to use all of the drive partitions.