Low Volume Fix PulseAudio

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Low Volume Fix PulseAudio

Post by rockedge »

revision 250212

There are two system used for audio control.

  1. Alsa - most older Pups

  2. PulseAudio - used by newer Pups

Open: Menu>Multimedia
If PulseAudio is listed, your system is using it.

If you are using Puppy Linux without external speakers you may find that the sound volume is low. This is sometimes the case with laptop computers. Note that laptop computer speakers are quite small, usually 1/2-5/8 inch (12-16mm) diameter and can be easily damaged if played at high volume. Here are methods to boost your audio.
These only apply to Puppy Linux versions that use Pulseaudio sound.

General – adjust volume levels

  1. click: Menu>Multimedia>PulseAudio Volume Control

  2. Adjust the slider for the application and test the sound

volumecontrol.jpg (24.16 KiB) Viewed 1573 times

You can also adjust volume in the Output Devices tab.

volumecontrol-1.png (77.77 KiB) Viewed 1573 times

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Author: wizard


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