I was trying to use fstab to mount a drive on boot.
So I made an entry like this:
UUID=<some specific UUID> /mnt/usbroot ext4 defaults 0 1
But I found out that /mnt doesn't retain directories on a reboot at least for KLV-vmHost_rc4
Is there some different way to do this instead of using fstab?
I want this to automatically mount on a reboot.
I was doing this because I wanted to make a storage pool and volume on a usb bootable drive that contains the KLV-vmHost-rc4 virt-manager as a host for virtual machines.
But when I try to do this, and go between different computers I find that sometimes this usb is device sda on one computer and sdb on another
which messes up access to the drives storage pool since the drive is hard coded in the setup.
This happens because on one computer the internal drive is sda and on another the internal drive is nvme0n1
These automatically change to the different devices in /mnt on boot which doesn't work for the storage pool which is locked into only one type of device..
I wanted to use the UUID for the setup, but couldn't get it to work so tried it in fstab instead.
How can I do this using fstab or is there a better different way?