I rely on "ToDo" lists written via Leafpad or Geany. eg: "todo.txt"
As I complete (or fail to complete) each task (one line per task) - I need to re-order the lines in the file.
Rather than relying on copy/paste to relocate an individual line I would like to use some other method to do this.
One possibility is to highlight an entire line of text, then use a keyboard shortcut to move it up one notch - to elevate it above the line above it.
Another possibility is to highight a line then perhaps "rightclick" on it - and have this push it upwards by one line.
Or to push a line to top of the document.
There are probably many other possible methods.
There are many utilities that are used to manipulate todo lists (especially many ways to utilise or extend the utility found at http://todotxt.org) - but I don't need or want the complexity or fancy features they are designed for.
I guess I am hoping for some method that uses "in place" sed modifcation (or similar) to push a text line upwards. I don't need to push lines downwards as all I want to achieve is to bring the highest priority line up to the top of the list (or at least upwards by one line at a time). "Non-prioritised" lines will automatically drop down the list.
I want to use text files so that they are easy to print (ie: online apps no use, spreadsheets too complex, etc etc).
I wondered about more advanced methods of doing this (such as Markdown, Markup, html) or perhaps even some way of using fields.awk - but my ideal would be to find some way of using the rightclick or keyboard shortcut methods on a plain text file.
If anyone has any thoughts - even rudimentary or just weird or creative ideas - I am all ears.
I consider this potential functionality to be less of a "ToDo" utility and more of a "Priority selection" utility. Text based. Simple. Printable.
EDIT : My preference is to be able to do this within Leafpad as it is inbuilt in my Pup. (Geany would still be acceptable but does require me to load quite a few extra libs)
Best solution See this post: https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 18#p142518
Other solutions that may be useful:
- Mousepad text editor: https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 10#p143010
- Geany https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 57#p142157