Alternative app, Smailar app like DS4Windows on linux.

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Alternative app, Smailar app like DS4Windows on linux.

Post by Zuzia »

Hi like in subject.
I looking smailar controller emulator app who can let me forc steam to display proper playstation dual sense buttons sprite without using steam imput becouse i hate xbox controller and i alweys mistake if button X is displayed on screen becouse PS also have X button on controller. On windows i can use this to make this ez change even if steam not support ps5 controller DualSense in game. But on linux i not find any smailar alternative who is not outdated. Any idea how i can force steam to think ps4 or 5 controller is connected not xbox? with or without steam imput use?

DS4/5 Windows

I need alternative app like this on linux. Flatpak or other not matter. Any help?

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