Note, I have a 500 Gb partition dedicated to 'all things Puppy'. So a couple hundred Mbs the following uses doesn't matter.
My primary web-browsers are Mikewalsh's firefox-portable and Google-Chrome-portable. firefox has been hardened for security and privacy and is employed most often, but always when I don't want GC snooping in on financial transactions. It's default Search Engine is DuckDuckGo. GC is used for 'general searches' and especially when I want to use the micro-phone to input search-criteria. That can be done running firefox, but only if I am using the google search engine; in which case Google will have a record of everything I do. Still, when using GC, that condition is bad enough: I don't want third parties also watching my activities. To prevent that I employ extensions.
Recently when updating GC I've noticed that a couple of privacy and security extensions I chose long ago after careful consideration of alternatives can be still be used but have a warning from GC that they may in the future no longer be supported. Among those are are Ublock Origin. At least, if and when the day comes, GC will allow me to install (for example) AdGuard. There are two noted distinctions between these: Ublock Origin is lighter on resources, and
"Ublock and Adguard are nearly on the same level when it comes to blocking ads. But Ublock is often preferred because it's completely open source and nonprofit. Adblock Plus was swayed by Google which is why its no longer as effective nor trusted." SM641995, ... _or_is_it/. That's also my impression from other posters.
I've also long employed CSS Exfil Protection which guards against CSS data exfiltration attacks. GC warns "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions." However, no alternatives to its function are offered by GC.
The above are just some examples. There may come a time when GC's quest to obtain knowledge of all things I do prevents me from safely employing the most recent version of CG. But I won't know that until I update. Fortunately, I can 'have my cake and eat it'. I can update GC while preserving a fully functional older version.
I first started employing this system when Palemoon's updates often resulted in broken or inferior applications.
When started Mikewalsh's GC (and clone) portables check for updates and offer to initiate the update process which will over-write the portable's current contents. I decline the offer. If I had not already done so I would take the opportunity to backup the portable folder: Right-Click the folder, Select Duplicate and give it a different name, e.g. Google_Chrome-portable64bk. I then update the backup and check if it is as satisfactory as the older version. If so, I Right-Click the folder of the older version and rename it Google_Chrome-portable64-O. I then delete the original GC-portable folder; right-click the Google_Chrome-portable64bk and create a third folder just named Google_Chrome-portable64.
Mikewalsh's Menu-Add script within the folder writes a symbolic link within the OS to a script named LAUNCH in the folder named Google_Chrome-portable64. After the above process the symbolic link in the OS finds the LAUNCH script in the newly created Google_Chrome-portable64 folder. So I don't have to do anything else to continue running GC via Puppy's menu &/or panel launcher. Each duplication takes slightly more than 1 minute, 2 minutes and a little for the entire procedure.
As mentioned, there have been problems with Palemoon updates. I am unaware of any recent firefox problems. But the above process is so straight-forward that I employ it with all web-browsers. Three minutes is not much to have web-browsers do what I want; and only what I want.