Okay, this one should work.
Start firefox from /opt/firefox32/ff.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2dxssula ... i6esb&dl=1
Code: Select all
md5sum Stretch-7.5b-OTBwFF-uefi-k4.19.56_1-28-25.iso
513408e293255b9c78aa832050dadb72 Stretch-7.5b-OTBwFF-uefi-k4.19.56_1-28-25.iso
- Added firefox esr portable from @fredx181 on the adrive in /opt.
- edit_sfs.2.1.pet on ISO but not installed. https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=47469
- PPM hooked up to the archives and updates correctly now. See viewtopic.php?p=140968#p140968 thanks @peebee
Firefox upgrades to the latest version manually from the "Help-About" page. Webgl samples site fails with a "no webgl" error but youtube seems fine and runs 1080p with no dropped frames on Windows 7 era hardware. Didn't test anything with DRM.