How much interest is there in a Debian Stretch remaster with the PPM correctly hooked up to the archives (see viewtopic.php?p=141079#p141079) , slightly stripped down, and Firefox portable that updates to the present version?
How much interest in a PPM fixed Dpup Stretch remaster?
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- greengeek
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Re: How much interest in a PPM fixed Dpup Stretch remaster?
Wonderful 32 bit pup with great features.
(Although not personally interested in browsers that self-update. Sometimes older is better )
- mikeslr
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Re: How much interest in a PPM fixed Dpup Stretch remaster?
Although I no longer run 32-bit Puppys, Dpup-Stretch was my long-time favorite which I frequently recommended for those whose computer or objectives required a 32-bit operating system. An update could be very welcomed by those.
About including a web-browser, my recommendation is to do so in the way I did with Bionicpup64-Revival or include an SFS in the ISO.
Web-browsers packaged as SFSes or portables are readily available. If you are already running a Puppy you already have one or know how to obtain one. Everyone has his or her own preference about web-browsers. Including a web-browser in the core-SFS increases a Puppy's size, the ISO's download's size and consumption of bandwidth and may result in in the User having an unwanted application and one which he/she desires to remove with the expenditure time and effort.
Including a Web-browser as an adrv or ydrv in the ISO makes removal easy. [If used, adrv is recommended: Web-browsers frequently need to be updated and adrv's have priority over ydrvs]. But offering a Web-browser as a seperate download has additional advantages. If unneeded, it just isn't downloaded. If desired to be a 'permanent' component of the OS, it can easily be renamed as an adrv.
AFAIK, dPup can't run current Chromium or its clones. That only leaves mozilla and mozilla-clones if a Web-browser with graphic capabilities is wanted. I haven't run the 32-bit version. But have been very pleased with the 64-bit version of Basilisk. [Would require updating dPup-Stretch's glibc to least 2.28]. You'll find a frame-work for creating a portable here, viewtopic.php?p=140250#p140250. A portable can be packaged as an SFS. Just locate the portable folder in /opt. Better yet, just package it as a portable with instruction on how to deploy.
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Re: How much interest in a PPM fixed Dpup Stretch remaster?
It has an adrive with 2020 version of Firefox portable that Fred made in Debian Dog. It upgrades manually from the "Help-about".
Palemoon, Abiword, Gnumeric, deadbeef removed. Links2 added.
It's already built. I just have to swap the .sfs files on to the .ISO.
- greengeek
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Re: How much interest in a PPM fixed Dpup Stretch remaster?
I have a pet of UnGoogled Chromium that runs really well in Dpup. Seems more capable than either palemoon or Firefox (for me anyway)
Link if anyone wants to try it: ...