Morning, gang.
Along with SimpleAudioRecorder and EasyVoiceRecorder, following an idea I had kicking around my mostly-empty skull (!) here's a simple wee video player to 'round-out' the 'collection'.
Meet SimpleVideoPlayer.
Based around ffplay - which comes with all Puppies, OOTB - it has a GUI.....although not ALL commands are GUI-operated.
FFplay is fairly limited in terms of what manipulation commands it offers, and some of them, apparently, can ONLY be operated via keyboard shortcuts WHILE the video is actually playing (and "in-focus"). This is perhaps not surprising, given that ffplay is primarily intended for testing-out the various ffmpeg APIs, etc.....but for a 'basic' video-player, IMO this is fine.
It has a fair number of technical options, the majority of which are of more use in the terminal than anywhere else. Most of these boil down to various filtered reports on the large amount of metadata that all video files seem to generate when they are created. For the purposes of simply playing a video, these are somewhat superfluous to requirements.
I tried using xdotool to 'simulate' these keyboard shortcuts, but I didn't have any joy. I suspect these have to be run from the same "shell"(?) that ffplay is running from, so I'm displaying my lack of understanding here. As it is, for the purposes of user information the GUI lists these few 'relevant' keyboard shortcuts when launched.
When you select either 'PLAY' or 'LOOP', a file-chooser window is launched initially. After selecting a video, the player itself is then launched.
'PLAY' will play a video through just ONCE.
'LOOP' - as its name suggests - will repeat your video indefinitely until stopped manually.
The listed keyboard shortcuts will respectively toggle full-screen mode, pause/resume, and 'seek' backward/forward in 10-second OR 1-minute increments.
Both arches of YAD are included & auto-selected when you launch it, making this 'no-arch'.
What I like about ffplay is that, because its 'back-end' is the ever-amazing ffmpeg, it supports just about every codec/format known to man!
Personally, I'm happy enough with it as-is, but if anyone has ideas on how to incorporate these keyboard shortcuts into the GUI itself then I'm more than happy to listen & take advice. I have no issues with admitting that I don't "know it all" - far from it; I still only see myself as perhaps a more-experienced "noob"! - but if there IS a way these shortcuts could be incorporated into the user interface, I'm all ears.
I'm sharing it in its present format for assessment by other members. Let me know what y'all think, please.....even if it's just to say that you think it's a bit pointless!
You can find it here, at MediaFire (it's only JUST too big to be attached to the post, I'm afraid) :-
As always:-
Move the extracted portable directory (inside) anywhere you want.....preferably outside the 'save'
It's a ROX-app - so just click on the directory to fire it up!
The usual MenuAdd/Remove scripts are included (if a Menu entry is required). Please read the MenuReadMe for info on what to do when 'moving' the portable.
Enjoy (I hope).....