@MrDuckGuy :-
I must agree with you about TAS, I used it a lot, but...
I discovered XFCE4_ScreenShooter and I installed (with @BarryK help) It in my EasyOS daedalus and I am a fan of this soft.
If you are interested, try it, and It is possible It helps u in a better way than TAS, specially if You need to use imgurl as a method to share files without using bandwich.
https://imgur.com/screenshot-cmUgaLn (You can include a simple link and you don't need to share the file).
I prefer the way it uses to select a region. With TAS you mark the starting and finishing point of the capture, but with XFCE4 SCREENSHOOTER, you see what you are going to capture (because a square marks the capture).
As always, it is only a suggestion and it is your choice using it or not.
Thanks a lot.
Have a nice day u all.