I've set up a machine with bionicpup32-8.0-uefi.iso for a 13 year old family member to learn Linux.
I'm trying to make it easy to use so he can learn Linux and Python.
@d-pupp assisted in my prior question, clarifying that DHCP and Static IP cannot exist at the same time on two interfaces. So I set up the second computer (a Raspberry Pi) with DHCP also, so the only interface on Bionic is WLAN using DHCP.
Now I have discovered that the Network Configurations do not persist between boots. Every time Bionic boots, there is no Network connection, and the Internet Connection Wizard has to be run again.
At the end of the Internet Connection Wizard, it shows a dialog that says NETWORK CONFIGURATION OF wlp0 SUCCESSFUL! do you want to save this configuration? I click Yes. Then the Configure Network Interface dialog shows again, and I click Done. Then I see "you have finished running Dougal's Network Wizard". I click Set as Default.Then is pops up "Dougal's Network Wizard now set as default". I click OK.
The next time the system boots, the WLAN is not connected. Running the Internet Connection Wizard will cause it to connect, but I think it is supposed to remember the profile and reconnect automatically.
Any suggestions?