How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

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How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by superchook »

This may have been covered before but I could not see it.
What I have done so far.
1) Downloaded vanilladpup-11.0.199-labwc-uefi.img.gz to this computer which is running Fatdog64-903 and has its hardware clock set to UTC.
2) Extracted vanilladpup-11.0.199-labwc-uefi.img and dd it to an 8 GB USB stick using the command
dd if=Ken/Puppy/vanilladpup/vanilladpup-11.0.199-labwc-uefi.img of=/dev/sdb
3) Rebooted the computer using F12 to get a screen offering several boot choices from different devices and using either BIOS or uefi.
4) Selected the USB stick created above and uefi booting.
The system boots to clean desktop with some icons at the top.
The time (in the correct UTC) is displayed in the bottom right corner.
Clicking either the bottom left corner or right clicking anywhere on the desktop shows a menu and you can navigate to setup. There is a way to set up your timezone and also your locale but I have not been able to find a way to let the system know that the hardware clock is running UTC.
I found a terminal using one of the icons at the top of the screen and tried hwclock -u but received an error message that hwclock could not be found. Is there another command that I should use?


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Re: How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by dimkr »

You can add -u to this line in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.

connman sets the clock using NTP when you go online, so you don't really need to do this: the init script synchronizes the software clock against the hardware clock (assuming local time) only for the clock to show the correct time (for most users) until internet connectivity is established. In addition, it doesn't alter the hardware clock on NTP synchronization, to prevent conflicts with other operating systems on the same computer, which may use a mix of UTC and local time.

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Re: How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by d-pupp »


You can still access the hwclock from busybox as the root user.
Open spacefm Open a root terminal type the password

Code: Select all

busybox hwclock

This is how I check the time on the hardware clock. I had a dead battery and every time I shut it off it went back to 2009.

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Re: How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by superchook »

Thanks for the above posts. I have not been able to get the OS to show the correct time yet because I have not been able to get a terminal with administration privileges.
I plan to spend some time using the USB as is forgetting about the displayed time for now. I am only playing with Vanilla Dpup to see what it has to offer.
I will stick with my current OS for day to day use.


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Re: How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by d-pupp »

dimkr has a how to in the dpup11 development section. Page 12 near the bottom of the page. Sorry I don't know how to link directly to it.

However the instructions are open spacefm (win e)
Select the file menu.
Open root terminal or Open root window (both require the password: woofwoof)

If you just want to change the time from 24 hours to 12 that is in ~/,config/waybar/config.jsonc
Find the clock and change it to match the code below.

Code: Select all

	"clock": {
		"format": "{:%I:%M}",

If you see .config press (ctrl h) to toggle show hidden files

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Re: How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by superchook »

Hi d=pupp, I followed your help from the above post and was able to make the changes that I wanted.
I think it will be a while before I learn enough to make the switch to vanilla dpup but I will get there eventually :-)

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Re: How to change Vanilla Dpup to accept a UTC hardware clock?

Post by rockedge »


An easy way to copy the link that will lead directly to an individual post:

Screenshot(20).jpg (23.27 KiB) Viewed 698 times
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