What can we do with Seamonkey to harden it for today's internet? We can install some Add-ons! We can tweak about:config!
Scenario: You upgraded Seamonkey to latest version 2.53.19 and have lost the built-in FatDog-maintained useragentswitcher add-on. What can you do for switching user agents?
You can do this about:config adjustment...
https://realtechtalk.com/How_To_Set_or_ ... 6-articles
In your browser go to "about:config"
Right click and choose "New" -> "String"
Insert this name
For the String Value:
Insert a user agent from this list of the most popular user agents
You can install uBlock Origin by opening
1. Tools --> Add-ons Manager
2. Choose "Get Add-ons" in the left side menu
3. Then in the right side "More ways to customize" menu box choose "Browse all add-ons"
4. Then in the left-side menu choose "Privacy and Security"
Then you will see uBlock Origin listed to install.
You can install NoScript by going to the NoScript website at
https://noscript.net/getit/#deprecated- ... c-versions
Scroll down to "Browser compatibility and obsolete versions"
You will see a paragraph about "NoScript Classic" with a link to version 5.1.9
Install version 5.1.9
Please add your own Seamonkey tips, tricks and favorite add-ons to this thread.