My FreeWeb project

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My FreeWeb project

Post by Pupus of Linuxandria »

I'm searching for Technical People, to start my project.
There are 2 Goals:
✦ One for the long-run: creating the ultimate Program (based on the abstract model). Which will include: Brainstorming; Deciding on Programming Language\s; Programming; eventually creating a new Operating-System etc.
✦ One for now: starting the ultimate Web. Which will mainly include: grabbing some existing Free & Open-Source Tools, and implementing them right away, probably in GitHub-Pages. Probably a similar method to what is done here in Puppy Linux.
I have a Donor. But I prefer not to corrupt the project with an Employer-Employee Relationship and Greed ― and so - to try to start the Voluntary model, + Donation. I always liked the community here (using Puppy for about 10 years now), so this is the first place I thought of trying.
Here's the explanation text.

The first thing to decide, probably ― is how will people join. I prefer that the People will Connect to the System ― instead of the System(like most Websites) will Connect them to itself. So for them to create some folder on their computer, and to create the HTML file (eventually with a WYSIWYG Site-Builder). But I'm not sure about this; I'm not Technical BTW.

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Re: The FreeWeb

Post by Jasper »

What prior experience do you have?

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Re: The FreeWeb

Post by Pupus of Linuxandria »

I don't. It's based on Abstract Logic.

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Re: The FreeWeb

Post by Wiz57 »

One thing to keep in mind is that "Nothing is free. There is always a cost, either money, time, and usually both! SO, with that out of the way,
a couple of ideas to throw your way.

Setup and administer an old school BBS via telnet or direct dial. Probably reach more users with telnet, as well as lower total cost.
Search the internet for ideas for telnetting BBSes. The BBS server software has the built-in user sign up, etc.

Setup and administer a "gopher" server. This may be more challenging. Gopher was a protocol that came out a bit before WWW, I used
to go gophering with my old DOS PCs using Minuet. There aren't many gopher servers now, maybe one at SDF, not sure. At one time
web browsers could directly access gopher sites (gopher holes) via port 79 (could also use telnet). A gopher URL looked like "gopher://".
Gopher sites were text only, no graphics, and when navigating them it resembled the output of a "dir" command in DOS or "ls" in Linux.

Darn...I'm old! Was BBSing in the late 1980s, gophering in early-mid 1990s! Anyhow, those are just some ideas...might be fun to have a
Puppy Linux BBS or gopher://!

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Re: The FreeWeb

Post by Pupus of Linuxandria »

@Wiz57 I don't want it to be Text-Based. Anyway, now it's mostly about: creating an Orderly Web; allowing people to Communicate; providing Software, Services etc.

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Re: My FreeWeb project

Post by Pupus of Linuxandria »

Are you trying to say something by this @Jasper ? 🤔

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