I'm searching for Technical People, to start my project.
There are 2 Goals:
✦ One for the long-run: creating the ultimate Program (based on the abstract model). Which will include: Brainstorming; Deciding on Programming Language\s; Programming; eventually creating a new Operating-System etc.
✦ One for now: starting the ultimate Web. Which will mainly include: grabbing some existing Free & Open-Source Tools, and implementing them right away, probably in GitHub-Pages. Probably a similar method to what is done here in Puppy Linux.
I have a Donor. But I prefer not to corrupt the project with an Employer-Employee Relationship and Greed ― and so - to try to start the Voluntary model, + Donation. I always liked the community here (using Puppy for about 10 years now), so this is the first place I thought of trying.
Here's the explanation text.
The first thing to decide, probably ― is how will people join. I prefer that the People will Connect to the System ― instead of the System(like most Websites) will Connect them to itself. So for them to create some folder on their computer, and to create the HTML file (eventually with a WYSIWYG Site-Builder). But I'm not sure about this; I'm not Technical BTW.