GUI for SAMBA in Void-Linux
for packaging with installation of all dependencies
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GUI for SAMBA in Void-Linux
for packaging with installation of all dependencies
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Install Samba
Code: Select all
sudo xbps-install -S samba smbclient cifs-utils gvfs-smb
KL LINUX Simple fast free
It seems to work, I need to have someone who knows test it, I don't remember how it works on Airedale
the configuration file has been slightly modified
in /etc/samba/smb.conf
Code: Select all
#this is a very simple smb.conf to get you started
#coutesy rcrsn51 and gcmartin
workgroup = Workgroup
netbios name = void-live
server string = KLV-Airedale Server
security = user
map to guest = Bad Password
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
load printers = yes
client min protocol = NT1
server min protocol = LANMAN1
path = /root/smbvoid
comment = Shared files
writable = yes
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes
Code: Select all
Create a user group:
sudo groupadd -r sambauser
Code: Select all
Add the user1 to the sambauser group:
sudo gpasswd sambauser -a spot
Code: Select all
vNow create samba share user:
sudo smbpasswd -a spot
New SMB password: <input password >
Retype new SMB password: <repeat password>
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Just some ideas for future KL KDEs. If they match what you feel is useful, run with them.
/etc/samba should be in OOTB filesystem
Your 'sample' smb.conf should be within /etc/samba...maybe named smb.conf.sample such that it wont be over-layed when SAMBA is added to the running system.
/root/smbvoid from the conf should be present in KDE filesystem, OOTB, too.
/var/spool/samba from the conf should be present in KDE filesystem, OOTB, too.
This precludes a general user mandated to adding SAMBA needs to the system via the terminal.
Just some ideas.
@Sofiya I will send you a PM soon on something that could address one of your concerns on this package.
connection was successful!!!
Code: Select all
sudo xbps-install -S samba smbclient cifs-utils gvfs-smb
in /etc/samba/smb.conf
Code: Select all
workgroup = Workgroup
netbios name = void-live
server string = KLV-Plasma-kde Server
security = user
map to guest = Bad Password
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
load printers = yes
client min protocol = NT1
server min protocol = LANMAN1
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes
path = /home/spot/smbvoid
comment = Shared files
writable = yes
create groups and users
Code: Select all
1)Create a user group:
sudo groupadd -r sambauser
Code: Select all
2)Add the user1 to the sambauser group:
sudo gpasswd sambauser -a spot
Code: Select all
3)Now create samba share user:
sudo smbpasswd -a spot
New SMB password: <input password >
Retype new SMB password: <repeat password>
Before you launch the program for the first time, click NO in the pop-up window
KL LINUX Simple fast free
The network section is in Dolphin
what network are you talking about can you clearly interpret
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Network category in distro's desktop menu: 2 examples: from a PUP and the area of KDE I was referring.
PUP Menu pic from BKWP64 desktop
KDE Menu pic from KLV-KDE desktop
if a Network category surfaced in the Menu in the future, it would be a Puppy Linux Forum distro's exclusive; making it distinctly PLDF's KL KDE with that category section.
It is not necessary, as items could be added in other existing Menu sections