Universal Android Debloater-NG SFS for FatDog903

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Universal Android Debloater-NG SFS for FatDog903

Post by dogcat »

This is an SFS of the UAD-NG (Universal Android Debloater - Next Generation v.1.1) tool. The SFS also contains the ADB (Android Bridge) software v. 8.10+23. The ADB (Android Bridge) allows the computer to communicate with the phone using a USB cable. This SFS package has been tested in FatDog903.

None of this software is available in The FatDog Repository. ADB is from Google and the UAD-NG program is FOSS from Github.

This SFS can be used to either disable or remove the adware, spyware and battery draining OEM programs from an android phone that the OEM does not allow to be removed. (Think facebook, twitter etc.)

To disable a program on the phone with this software means the disabled program will not load but you can activate again in the phone apps menu if needed.

To remove a program on the phone with this software does not actually remove the program, it means the program cannot be reactivated from the apps menu. It does not really remove the program. (I think it is best to only disable programs).

Root is not needed for the phone. This is for a regular unrooted android phone.

To connect a phone to the computer and use this software the phone will need to have Developer Mode activated. That is required in order to turn on USB debugging in the developer mode settings before connecting the phone to a USB port. The ADB (Android Bridge) software can then connect to the phone which allows the UAD program to communicate with your phone. USB debugging needs to be turned on to communicate with the phone when using the ADB (Android Bridge) software. See the links below for more complete information on how to use this software.

See these links for more about UAD-NG tool.
The Github Project Page
https://github.com/Universal-Debloater- ... generation
The Developer's Wiki
https://github.com/Universal-Debloater- ... ation/wiki
https://github.com/Universal-Debloater- ... n/wiki/FAQ
Getting Started Page
https://github.com/Universal-Debloater- ... ng-started

Everything this software does can be reversed. Please Remember you can put your phone in a bootloop if you disable or remove the wrong program.

BEWARE You can screw up your phone and lose all your personal data using this software. Use this software at your own risk! I am not responsible if you do something that screws up your phone! BEWARE

It is best to have an old device to practice with before using this on an important device. Back up your data before using this in case you make a mistake.

To use: Just load the SFS and look in the Utility menu for the two menu entries. The "UAD-NG Debloater Start" menu entry is for loading the ADB Service and launching the UAD tool, the "UAD-NG Debloater Stop" menu entry is for stopping the UAD tool and unloading the ADB service. The desktop entries save some command line typing, you can also start and stop those programs from the command line.

This tool can disable and "remove" bloatware from an android phone. That being said, it also means that you can mess up an android phone by disabling or "removing" the wrong software. Be extremely careful if you use this and know the package name you are disabling, you can accidently put your phone into a boot-loop by disabling or "removing" the wrong program and that would require a phone reset to recover. If you have to do a phone reset you will lose all personal data, so be very careful! (Also know how to do a phone reset before you use this software, just in case! :)

Ok, that's enough warnings, if I didn't scare you away by now you are truly looking for adventure.
The SFS download is here, it is only 5MB
https://www.mediafire.com/file/9mlpbt8c ... 4.sfs/file
md5 dcd45fc71453b1ae8604b3d1c90dc083

11-07-2024 - updated the download url to a permanent link

Last edited by dogcat on Thu Nov 07, 2024 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Universal Android Debloater-NG SFS for FatDog903

Post by jamesbond »

I have downloaded my copy. Thanks @dogcat!

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Re: Universal Android Debloater-NG SFS for FatDog903

Post by dogcat »

jamesbond wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 12:40 pm

I have downloaded my copy. Thanks @dogcat!

Bond, James Bond. looking for adventure. 8-)
You only live twice. ;)

Thanks for this great linux system, I am having a blast setting it up! :thumbup2:

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